Web スクレイピング プロジェクトで MongoEngine を使用しています。スクレイピングされたすべての Web ページで遭遇したすべての画像を追跡したいと思います。
URL と画像に遭遇した回数を保存します。
MongoEngine モデルの定義は次のとおりです。
class ImagesUrl(Document):
""" Model representing images encountered during web-scraping.
When an image is encountered on a web-page during scraping,
we store its url and the number of times it has been
seen (default counter value is 1).
If the image had been seen before, we do not insert a new document
in collection, but merely increment the corresponding counter value.
# The url of the image. There cannot be any duplicate.
src = URLField(required=True, unique=True)
# counter of the total number of occurences of the image during
# the datamining process
counter = IntField(min_value=0, required=True, default=1)
これまでのところ、私はそのように扱っていますが、MongoEngine でそれを行うためのより良い組み込みの方法があるかもしれないと感じています。
def save_or_increment(self):
""" If it is the first time the image has been encountered, insert
its src in mongo, along with a counter=1 value.
If not, increment its counter value by 1.
# check if item is already stored
# if not, save a new item
if not ImagesUrl.objects(src=self.src):
# if item already stored in Mongo, just increment its counter