I have been trying to make a page protection for the Administrator page, and I can not get it to work. I am sure this would not have been a problem if I was not new to PHP coding, hehe.
So what I am trying to do is, when a normal user with the type '0' is trying to access the administrator page, index_admin.php, the user will get redirected to the normal user page, index.php. And if the user have the type '1', then the user/admin will stay on the page.
So here is the code I have been trying to get working. (This file is required in index_admin.php and it is called index_admin_check.php):
$vert = "localhost";
$brukarnamn = "root";
$passord = "";
$db_namn = "nettsidebunad";
$tbl_namn = "kunde_register";
// Connecting to the MySQL database.
mysql_connect("$vert", "$brukarnamn", "$passord") or die ("Kan dessverre ikkje koble til databasen.");
mysql_select_db("$db_namn") or die ("Kan ikkje finna den ynkjande databasen.");
// *** Page protection *** \\
// Admin check. If `type` = 1, let the user (admin) stay on the site. If `type` = 0 kick the user (normal) off the site.
$sql = "SELECT `type` FROM $tbl_namn";
$res = mysql_query($sql);
$tell = mysql_num_rows($res);
if ($tell == 0) {
header ("location: index.php");
Some of this text is in norwegian.
$vert = $host (in english)
$brukarnamn = $usernamn (in english)
$passord = $password (in english)
$db_namn = $db_name (in english)
$tbl_namn = $tbl_name (in english)