I want to organize a set of Events which have a unique id and a time. I want to efficiently query for Events within particular time bounds. Some Events might have the same time but different id.

Some Events might have the same time, so the Guava TreeMultiSet class is really close to what I need.

However, consider the following psudo-code snippet:

class Event
    Object id;
    long time;

TreeMultiSet<Event> s = TreeMultiSet.create( new Comparator<Event>( )
            public int compare( Event o1, Event o2 )
                if ( o1.time < o2.time )
                    return -1;
                else if ( o1.time > o2.time )
                    return 1;
                    return 0;

s.add( new Event( "a", 0 ) );
s.add( new Event( "b", 0 ) );
s.add( new Event( "c", 0 ) );

After the three additions, the TreeMultiSet will just contain the "a" Event 3 times because TreeMultiSet only considers the Comparator and the three Event objects have the same time.

My first thought was to incorporate id as part of my Comparator implementation to distinguish between Events with the same time, but my ids have no natural ordering (they're just Objects and don't necessarily implement Comparable).

This would also be awkward when making subSet(), headSet(), etc... queries -- I don't want the id of the Event object which I use to set the query bounds to matter.

I could implement something custom from scratch (or, more likely, delegating the heavy lifting to some underlying collections), but I wanted to make sure there wasn't something already out there which I was missing.


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于 2013-02-05T01:22:23.223 に答える