def file(password, source12, destination):
subprocess.Popen(['sshpass', '-p', password, 'rsync', '-avz', '--info=progress2', source12, destination],
stderr=subprocess.PIPE, stdout=subprocess.PIPE).communicate()[0]
def sync(request):
#user_id = request.session['user_id']
"""Sync the files into the server with the progress bar"""
if request.method == 'POST':
choices = request.POST.getlist('choice')
for i in choices:
new_source = source +"/"+ i
#b = result.successful()
#result.get() #Poll the database to get the progress
start_date1 = datetime.datetime.utcnow().replace(tzinfo=utc)
source12 = new_source.replace(' ', '') #Remove whitespaces
file.delay(password, source12, destination)
return HttpResponseRedirect('/uploaded_files/')
return HttpResponseRedirect('/uploaded_files/')
進行状況とともにファイル転送情報をユーザーに表示したいfile name, remaining time and size of the file
.転送されていることを表示したい. どうやってやるの?