"Hello i want to go."
私のコードは与えますが、間に"want to go."
文字列が必要です。どうすればこれを取得できますか? 私のコードは以下の通りです。" i "
" to "
string[] words = Regex.Split("Hello i want to go.", " i ");
string respons = words[1];
"Hello i want to go."
私のコードは与えますが、間に"want to go."
文字列が必要です。どうすればこれを取得できますか? 私のコードは以下の通りです。" i "
" to "
string[] words = Regex.Split("Hello i want to go.", " i ");
string respons = words[1];
string input = "Hello i want to go.";
Regex regex = new Regex(@".*\s[Ii]{1}\s(\w*)\sto\s.*");
Match match = regex.Match(input);
string result = string.Empty;
if (match.Success)
result = match.Groups[1].Value;
この正規表現は、「i」(大文字と小文字を区別しない) と「to」の間の任意の「単語」と一致します。
編集: コメントで提案されているように ...to.* => to\s.* に変更しました。
string input = "Hello I want to go.";
string result = input.Split(" ")[2];
string result = input.Split(" i ")[1].Split(" ")[0];
string result = input.Split.Skip(2).Take(1).First()
string s = "Hello i want to go.";
string[] words = s.split(' ');
string response = wor
string input = "Hello I want to go.";
string[] sentenceArray = input.Split(' ');
string required = sentenceArray[2];
var word = "Hello i want to go.".Split(' ')[2];
string str = "Hello i want to go. Hello i want to go. Hello i want to go.";
Match match = Regex.Match(str, "want");
Console.WriteLine(string.Format("Index: {0}", match.Index));
match = match.NextMatch();
public static string Between(this string src, string findfrom, string findto)
int start = src.IndexOf(findfrom);
int to = src.IndexOf(findto, start + findfrom.Length);
if (start < 0 || to < 0) return "";
string s = src.Substring(
start + findfrom.Length,
to - start - findfrom.Length);
return s;
string respons = Between("Hello i want to go."," i "," to ");