I've been working on an abstract chess algorithm using Haskell (trying to expand my understanding of different paradigms), and I've hit a challenge that I've been pondering about for weeks.

Here's the problem:

Given a board (represented by a list of lists of integers; each integer represents a subsequent point value), with dimensions n x n, determine the path that provides the most points. If there is a tie for best path, return either of them.

Here are the specifics:

A = [[5,4,3,1],[10,2,1,0],[0,1,2,0],[2,3,4,20]] 

which renders as:

R1: 5  4  3  1, R2: 10 2 1 0, R3: 0 1 2 0, R4: 2 3 4 20.

The rules are:

  1. You may start anywhere on the top row

  2. You may move one square at a time, either straight down, down-left (diagonal) , or down-right (diagonal).

  3. The output must be a tuple of integers.

First element is a list representing the columns vs. row, and the second element is the total number of points. Eg. for the above board, the best solution is to travel from top-left (5) and go diagonally for the remaining steps (until the 20 point square). This would result in the tuple ([1,2,3,4], 29).

Remember, this is all in Haskell so it is a functional-paradigm recursive problem. At first, I was thinking about using the greedy algorithm, that is, choosing the highest value in r1, and recursing through comparing the next 3 possibilities; choosing the highest of the 3. However, the downfall is that the greedy algorithm doesn't have the ability to see potential ahead of the next row.

How would I go about this? I'm not looking for code per se, since I enjoy solving things on my own. However, pseudocode or some algorithmic guidance would be much appreciated!


4 に答える 4





generate_path :: [[Int]] -> [[Int]]
generate_path [] = [[]] 
generate_path A =  ... -- You have to put something here
              m = length A
              n = length (head A)


move pos0 count0
    | count0 == 0 =   
        | pos0 == 0 = move (down count) ++ move (right count)  
        | otherwise = move (left count) ++ move (down count) ++ move (right count)  
                count = count0 - 1
                down  = position0 
                left  = position0 - 1
                right = position0 + 1

実際、これらすべてを念頭に置き、(!!)演算子を追加することで、これまでのところ解決策を見つけるべきではありません。A+リスト内包表記+で遊ぶことを納得させるために!! 、 なので

[A !! x !! y | x <- [1..2], y <- [0..2]] -- I take random range 


[[A !! x !! y | x <- [1..2]] | y <- [0..2]]] -- I take random range 

実際、2つの再帰があります。主な再帰はパラメータn =長さ(ヘッドA)で動作し、(n-1)で0から(n-1)まで同じアクションを繰り返して結果を取得します。この再帰には、別の再帰が埋め込まれています。 mで作業し、0から(m-1)まで同じアクションを繰り返します。


于 2013-02-05T16:05:31.867 に答える



[([1],5), ([2],4), ([3],3), ([4],1)]

次に、次の行をチェックするとき、各列について、その列に到達できる前の行の最高スコアを持つパスを選択します。ここでは、2 行目の列 1 と 2 で、パスの終わりを選択します。上の行の列 1、列 3 では、上の行の列 2 で終わるパスを選択し、列 4 では、前の行の列 3 で終わるパスを選択します。

[([1,1],15), ([1,2],7), ([2,3],5), ([3,4],3)]

3 行目では[0,1,2,0]、最初の 2 列には列 1 で終わるパスを、3 列目は列 2 で終わるパスを、4 列目は列 3 で終わるパスを再び選択します。

[([1,1,1],15), ([1,1,2],16), ([1,2,3],9), ([2,3,4],5)]

4 行目では[2,3,4,20]、最初の 3 列には列 2 で終わるパスを選択し、最後の列には列 3 で終わるパスを選択します。

[([1,1,2,1],18), ([1,1,2,2],19), ([1,1,2,3],20), ([1,2,3,4],29)]



最高スコアのパスを列で終了させますcc-1, c, c+1最後の列の上の部分は、最後から 2 番目の行の列の 1 つで終わる最高スコアのパスでなければなりませんc

于 2013-02-05T16:01:10.033 に答える


import Data.Function
import Data.List

-- All elements of Board are lists of equal lengths
-- valid b = 1 == length (group (map length b))
type Value = Int
type Board = [[Value]]
type Index = Int
type Result = ([Index], Value)

p :: Board
p = [[5,4,3,1],[10,2,1,0],[0,1,2,0],[2,3,4,20]] 

best_from :: Board -> Result
best_from [] = undefined
best_from xs | any null xs = undefined
best_from b = best_of . best_list $ b

best_list :: Board -> [Result]
best_list b = foldr1 layer (map label b)
  where label = zipWith (\index value -> ([index],value)) [1..]
        layer new rest =  zipWith (\(i1,v1) (i2,v2) -> (i1++i2, v1+v2)) new best
          where temp = head rest : map best_pair (zip rest (tail rest))
                best = map best_pair (zip temp (tail rest)) ++ [last temp]

best_pair :: (Result,Result) -> Result
best_pair (a@(_,a1), b@(_,b1)) | a1 >=b1 = a
                               | otherwise = b

best_of :: [Result] -> Result
best_of = maximumBy (compare `on` snd)

main = do
  print (best_from p)

1行あれば解決しやすいです。したがって、これは各行を単純な [#] ソリューション パスを持つ Result のリストに変換します。

restの下のパズルの場合、new行を追加するには、 (下、左下、右下にチェックを入れて)から解決策newを見つけ、その行と組み合わせます。bestrestnew


于 2013-02-05T23:46:20.220 に答える


import Data.List
import Data.Ord
import Data.Maybe

a = [[5,4,3,1],[10,2,1,0],[0,1,2,0],[2,3,4,20]]
r1 = a !! 0
r2 = a !! 1
r3 = a !! 2
r4 = a !! 3

i = [0,1,2,3]
index_combinations = [[a,b,c,d] | a <- i, b <- i, c <- i, d <- i, 
                      abs (b-a) < 2, abs (c-b) < 2, abs (d-c) < 2]

mapR xs = [r1 !! (xs !! 0), r2 !! (xs !! 1), 
           r3 !! (xs !! 2), r4 !! (xs !! 3)]

r_combinations = map mapR index_combinations
r_combinations_summed = zip r_combinations $ map (foldr (+) 0) r_combinations

result = maximumBy (comparing snd) r_combinations_summed
path = index_combinations !! fromJust (elemIndex result r_combinations_summed)
于 2013-02-06T04:16:31.940 に答える