string pattern = @"
( # Begin our Match
\[ # Look for the [ escape anchor
(?<Tag>[^\]]+) # Place anything that is not antother ] into the named match Tag
\] # Anchor of ]
[^\[]+ # Get all the text to the next anchor
\[/ # Anchor of the closing [...] tag
\k<Tag> # Use the named capture subgroup Tag to balance it out
\] # Properly closed end tag/node.
) # Match is done";
string text = "[TestText]some test text[/TestText] with nothing.";
Console.WriteLine (Regex.Replace(text, pattern, "Jabberwocky", RegexOptions.IgnorePatternWhitespace));
// Outputs
// Jabberwocky with nothing.
string pattern = @"
(?(\[(?<Tag>[^\]]+)\][^\[]+\[/\k<Tag>\]) # If statement to check []..[/] situation
( # Yes it is, match into named captures
(?<Token>[^\]]+) # What is the text inside the [ ], into Token
(?<TextOptional>[^\[]+) # Optional text to reuse
(?<Closing>/[^\]]+) # The closing tag info
| # Else, let is start a new check for either [] or plain text
(?(\[) # If a [ is found it is a token.
( # Yes process token
(?<Token>[^\]]+) # What is the text inside the [ ], into Token
| # Or (No of the second if) it is just plain text
(?<Text>[^\[]+) # Put it into the text match capture.
string text = @"Buy [ProductName] [Text]at a great price[/Text] from [ShopName] today.";
Console.WriteLine (
new MatchEvaluator((mtch) =>
if (mtch.Groups["Text"].Success) // If just text, return it.
return mtch.Groups["Text"].Value;
if (mtch.Groups["Closing"].Success) // If a Closing match capture group reports success, then process
return string.Format("Reduced Beyond Comparison (Used to be {0})", mtch.Groups["TextOptional"].Value);
// Otherwise its just a plain old token, swap it out.
switch ( mtch.Groups["Token"].Value )
case "ProductName" : return "Jabberwocky"; break;
case "ShopName" : return "StackOverFlowiZon"; break;
return "???"; // If we get to here...we have failed...need to determine why.
RegexOptions.IgnorePatternWhitespace | RegexOptions.ExplicitCapture));
// Outputs:
// Buy Jabberwocky Reduced Beyond Comparison (Used to be at a great price) from StackOverFlowiZon today.