

module Main where

import Data.List

module Main where

import Data.Char

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プログラム 1:

   module Main where

    import Data.Char

    prepets1 = ["cat", "dog", "scorpion", "cobra"]
    prepets2 = ["cat", "dog"]
    prepets3 = ["cat", "scorpion"]
    prepets4 = [prepets2, prepets3]

    data Pet = Pet {name :: String,
            venomous :: Bool,
            cost :: Integer }
        deriving (Eq, Show)

    venomous' :: String -> Bool
    venomous' = (>3). length

    cost' :: String -> Integer
    cost' = sum . map (fromIntegral . ord)

    petify :: String -> Pet
    petify s = Pet s (venomous' s) (cost' s)

    pets1 = map petify prepets1

    pets2 = [Pet s (venomous' s) (cost' s) | s <- prepets1]

    ouch1 :: [String] -> Bool
    --is any string here the name of a venomous pet?
    ouch1 xs = True

    ouch2 :: [[String]] -> Bool
    -- Is any string here the name of a veno,ous pet?
    ouch2 xs = False

    printpets = putStrLn . unlines. map show

    blankline = putStrLn "\n"

    main = do
        print $ petify "cat"
        print $ petify "scorpion"
        printpets pets1
        printpets pets2
        print $ ouch1 prepets2
        print $ ouch1 prepets3

プログラム 2:

module Main where

import Data.List

data Report = Report {recipe :: Recipe,
                      legal  :: Bool,
                      popcnt :: Integer,
                      cost   :: Integer}
              deriving (Eq, Show)

type Recipe = String  -- seven bits to encode seven ingredients

-- recipes in Gray-code order

gray :: Integer -> [Recipe]
gray n
  | n == 0 = [""]
  | n >  0 = map (++"0") (gray (n-1)) ++
             map (++"1") (reverse (gray (n-1)))

recipes = gray 7

-- recipe analysis and report generation

reports = [Report r (legal' r) 6 16 | r <- recipes]  -- fix!

legal_reports = [r | r <- reports, legal r]

legal' :: Recipe -> Bool
legal' r = take 3 r == "000"  -- fix!

ruleset = [rule0, rule1, rule2, rule3, rule4, rule5]

-- Rule 0: If truffles, then precisely truffles.
rule0 r = True  -- fix!

-- Rule 1: Either truffles or some meat.
rule1 r = False -- fix!

-- Rule 2: Not both peppers and onions.
rule2 r = True  -- fix!

-- Rule 3: If bacon, then peppers.
rule3 r = False  -- fix!

-- Rule 4: If sausage, then onions.
rule4 r = True  -- fix!

-- Rule 5: If ham, then mushrooms.
rule5 r = False  -- fix!

popcnt' :: Recipe -> Integer
-- number of ingredients
popcnt' x = 3  -- fix!

type Bit  = Char

type Cost = Integer

cost' :: Recipe -> Cost
cost' x = 42  -- fix!

includeCost :: Cost -> Bit -> Cost
includeCost cost bit = if bit == '1' then cost else 0

costs = [1, 2, 4, 8, 16, 32, 64]

-- ingredient encoding

peppers   r = r!!0 == '1'

bacon     r = r!!1 == '1'

ham       r = r!!2 == '1'

sausage   r = r!!3 == '1'

onions    r = r!!4 == '1'

mushrooms r = r!!5 == '1'

truffles  r = r!!6 == '1'

preciselyTruffles = (== "0000001")

-- main processing

type Run  = [Report]  -- sequence of legal reports that satisfy the metarule

-- Approach A: Work directly with Grey-code order

runsA = extractRunsA reports

extractRunsA :: [Report] -> [Run]
extractRunsA as
  | clean == [] = []

  | otherwise   = r : extractRunsA as'
                    where (r, as') = break illegal clean
                          clean    = dropWhile illegal as
                          illegal  = not . legal

-- Approach B: Guess a starting seed of a long Hamming run

runsB = extractRunsB legal_reports

extractRunsB :: [Report] -> [Run]
extractRunsB [] = []
extractRunsB xs = run : extractRunsB xs'
                    where run = buildRun (head xs) (tail xs)
                          xs' = xs \\ run  -- list difference

buildRun :: Report -> [Report] -> Run
buildRun seed reports
  | endOfRun  = [seed]

  | otherwise = seed : buildRun seed' reports'
                  where endOfRun   = successors == []
                        successors = filter (.~. seed) reports
                        reports'   = reports \\ [seed]
                        seed'      = head successors

(.~.) :: Report -> Report -> Bool
-- test recipe pairs for Hamming distance 1
x .~. y = True -- fix!

-- print routines

printReports :: [Report] -> IO ()
printReports = putStrLn . unlines . map show

printRecipes :: [Report] -> IO ()
printRecipes = putStrLn . showRecipes

printRuns :: [Run] -> IO ()
printRuns = putStrLn . unlines . map showRecipes

printRuns' :: [Run] -> IO ()
printRuns' = putStrLn . unlines . map showRecipes'

showRecipes :: Run -> String
showRecipes = unlines . map showNames

showRecipes' :: Run -> String
showRecipes' run = (unlines . map showNames) run ++ "  total cost  = $" ++
                   show 15 ++ "\n" ++  -- fix!
                   "  prize money = $" ++ show 4 ++ " million\n"  -- fix!

type Name = String

showNames :: Report -> String
showNames r = (concat . addEggs . translate . recipe) r ++
              "  (" ++ show (popcnt r) ++ ")" ++
              "  $" ++ show (cost r)

translate :: Recipe -> [Name]
translate = zipWith includeName names

includeName :: Name -> Bit -> Name
includeName name bit = if bit == '1' then name else replicate (length name) ' '

addEggs :: [Name] -> [Name]
addEggs = id  -- fix!

names =
  ["peppers ", "bacon ", "ham ", "sausage ", "onions ", "mushrooms ", "truffles"]

blankline = putStrLn ""

render = putStrLn . (++ "\n")

main = do
  -- render       "All reports:"
  -- printReports reports
  render       "First ten recipes with number of ingredients and cost:"
  printRecipes $ take 10 reports
  render       "All legal recipes with number of ingredients and cost:"
  printRecipes legal_reports
  render       "All Gray-code runs:"
  printRuns    runsA
  render       "All Gray-code runs with total cost and prize money:"
  printRuns'   runsA
  render       "All seed-generated runs:"
  printRuns    runsB
  render       "All seed-generated runs with total cost and prize money:"
  printRuns'   runsB

2 に答える 2


1 つは Data.List モジュールにあるすべての関数を使用できるようにし、もう 1 つは Data.Char モジュールに定義されているすべての関数を使用できるようにします


Data.List非常に便利なリスト処理機能が満載です。Data.List の多くの関数はPrelude(暗黙的にインポートされる) にあるため、いずれにせよ使用できますが、一部の関数は使用できません。

Char 型で作業する必要はありませんimport Data.Char。これは追加機能用であり、主にどのような種類の文字を持っているかを伝えるためのものです。

インポートを編集してエラーを読み取ることで、Data.List または Data.Char から使用した関数を確認できます。

プログラム 1 はord、Data.Char (それが何であるか、またはどのように機能するかについてはhoogleを参照してください) を使用して、ペットのコストを計算します。これは、その中の文字に依存しているようです (ペットに毒があるかどうかは、文字の数に依存します)。がある)!

2 番目のもの\\はリストの違いを使用します (それが何であるか、またはどのように機能するかについては、hoogle を参照してください)。

于 2013-02-06T22:38:01.663 に答える

異なるモジュールをインポートしています(つまり、それらのモジュールで定義されているすべての関数とデータ型を現在の名前空間に取り込みます)。Data.List++には、 (append)やmap;などのリストを操作するための関数が含まれています。Data.CharisAlphaには、やなどの文字を処理するための関数が含まれていますtoUpper

于 2013-02-06T22:37:23.200 に答える