まず、インストール コマンドを実行してメール サーバーを保存し、レジストリにエントリを作成します。
最初に SMTP サーバーをsmtp.mail.yahoo.comに設定しましたが、エラーは同じでした。
blat C:\temp.txt -to abcdef@gmail.com -superdebug
C:\blat310\full>blat C:\temp.txt -to abcdef@gmail.com -superdebug
Blat v3.1.0 (build : Feb 2 2013 11:00:32)
32-bit Windows, Full, Unicode
Checking option -to
superDebug: init_winsock(), WSAStartup() returned 0 (NO_ERROR)
superDebug: Hostname <smtp.mail.apac.gm0.yahoodns.net> resolved to ip address 10
superDebug: Official hostname is smtp.mail.apac.gm0.yahoodns.net
superDebug: Attempting to connect to ip address
superDebug: ::connect() returned error 10060, retry count remaining is 1
superDebug: ::connect() returned error 10060, retry count remaining is 0
superDebug: Connection returned error 10060
Error: Can't connect to server (timed out if winsock.dll error 10060)
superDebug: ::say_hello() failed to connect, retry count remaining is 1
superDebug: init_winsock(), WSAStartup() returned 0 (NO_ERROR)
superDebug: Hostname <smtp.mail.apac.gm0.yahoodns.net> resolved to ip address 10
superDebug: Official hostname is smtp.mail.apac.gm0.yahoodns.net
superDebug: Attempting to connect to ip address
superDebug: ::connect() returned error 10060, retry count remaining is 1
superDebug: ::connect() returned error 10060, retry count remaining is 0
superDebug: Connection returned error 10060
Error: Can't connect to server (timed out if winsock.dll error 10060)