This is more of a question related to how Apache handles variables and the SetEnvIf directive. I have a Subversion server located at with the following configuration for SVN:
<Location /svn>
DAV svn
SVNParentPath /path/to/repo/base
AuthzSVNAccessFile /path/to/access
AuthName "LDAP Auth"
AuthBasicProvider ldap
AuthType Basic
AuthzLDAPAuthoritative off
AuthLDAPURL "ldap://,dc=net?uid" NONE
AuthLDAPBindDN "cn=svn,ou=system,dc=test,dc=net"
AuthLDAPBindPassword secret
Require valid-user
Inside "/path/to/repo/base", I have around 80 repositories, each accessed by This one Apache configuration handles authentication for all of the repositories using the "/path/to/access file".
In the future, I'll do authorization using LDAP groups. However, I don't want to create separate Apache configurations for each repository. Basically, I would like to set a variable for the repository name using the Request URI. For example, I access and Apache knows that "repo-name" is the variable.
Something like this (syntax is not correct, just pseudo-code):
SetEnvIf Request_URI "$1/.*" repo-name=$1
Require ldap-group cn=$repo-name,ou=system,dc=test,dc=net