
I am running a Plone 4.2.4 server, it is a standalone install and doesn't have any add-ons installed other than Solgema.fullcalendar. Everything installed a-ok (I can see nothing in my buildout output regarding errors or missing dependencies and running my instance in foreground mode shows no problems).


Inside of my buildout I have: (as they request on this link)

eggs = 

zcml = 


I followed the instructions in the documentation, going to Add New... > Collection

Then on my collection selecting View > Solgema Fullcalendar

I leave the Calendar Properties tab alone and besides changing the view to `Month' everything else remains the same.


When clicking on a blank date block, I see a little spinner.gif signifying something is loading, but in my Javascript console I see:

Error: uncaught exception: cannot call methods on dialog prior to initialization; 
attempted to call method 'destroy'

This happens via the right click menu also, the right click menu loads but throws the above error once I click any of the buttons contained in it.

I can drag events, and resize them without any problems (however I think something is missing as after either dragging or resizing the event, the browser takes me to the page for that event).


It seems like I'm missing a Javascript file that was not included in Solgema.fullcalendar however I have no idea what script it was and I am unable to decipher this Javascript error (above).

If anyone has any experience with this, ideas or your thoughts would be greatly appreciated.


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