vector<string>::iterator it = dictionaryFile.begin();
vector<string> dictionaryFile (5, ""); //Declaration of vector that will hold the words in the dictionary
ifstream input; //Declaration of input file stream
/********************** Test to see if file was opened ********************************/
cerr << "The file " << inst <<" does not exists in this directory" << '\n';
/********************** File is successfully opened**********************************/
string temporaryProcessingString = ""; //This string will temporarily hold values read in from the file
vector<string>::iterator it = dictionaryFile.begin(); //Creates iterator to step through the vector and fix this wild shit
for(int i = 0; getline(input, temporaryProcessingString); i++){ //See I can follow directions given in class no eof used.
cout << "Does this print before SegFault 1 " << endl;
if(dictionaryFile.size() >= (dictionaryFile.capacity() - dictionaryFile.size()) ){ //If current size is greater the 50% capacity reserve size*2 more memory
int oldSize;
oldSize = dictionaryFile.size();
cout << "Does this print before SegFault 2 " << endl;
dictionaryFile.reserve(oldSize + oldSize); //Reservation new capacity for vector containing dictionary
/** this is a test bracket that solely keeps track of the vectors size and capacity in the terminal COMMENT OUT BEFORE SUBMITTING*/
cout << "________________________________________________" << '\n';
cout << "Loop Run: " << i << endl;
cout << "Size: " << dictionaryFile.size() << ", Capacity: " << dictionaryFile.capacity() << endl;
cout << "________________________________________________" << '\n';
dictionaryFile.insert(it, temporaryProcessingString); /*******************************THIS LINE CAUSES THE SEGFAULT! UNFORTUNATELY IT IS ALSO THE LINE THAT MOVES THE DATA INTO THE VECTOR************************/
cout << "Dictionary Entry: " << dictionaryFile[i] << endl;
cout << "Dictionary Entry Primary Test: " << dictionaryFile[0] << endl;