function Outreach_FormMailer(e) {
var recipient = "email@gmail.com";
var timestamp = e.values[0];
var name = e.values[1];
var subject = e.values[1]+" completed a Report for "+e.values[3]
var dates = e.values[7];
var goalMet = e.values[9]
var goalFocus = e.values[10]
var hyperlink = "myawesomelink.com"
htmlBody = name+' just completed the O/R Report for these dates: '+dates+'<br><br>Form completed on: '+timestamp+'<br>Was the goal met? '+goalMet+'<br>What was the goal focus? '+goalFocus+
'<br><br>View the Form:<a href="'+hyperlink+'">Click Here</a>';
MailApp.sendEmail(recipient、subject、htmlBody、{htmlBody:htmlBody}); }
function Team_ApplicationMailer(e) {
var recipient = "email@gmail.com";
var timestamp = e.values[0];
var name = e.values[3];
var subject = e.values[1]+' filled out the Teams Application Form!' ;
var startdate = e.values[12];
var enddate = e.values[13]
var Focus = e.values[19]
var hyperlink="myawesomelink.com"
htmlBody = name+' from: '+e.values[1]+'just completed the Teams Application Form for these dates: '+startdate+' to '+enddate+'<br><br>Form completed on: '+timestamp+'<br><br>View the Form:<a href="'+hyperlink+'">Click Here</a>';
MailApp.sendEmail(recipient, subject, htmlBody, {htmlBody:htmlBody});