I'm trying to bind some data to a ListView but instead of being data direct from the tables of a database I have already worked data. So what happens is that I do a query, do some calculations and populate an ArrayList and then need to have this data binded to an ListView.

What I thought at first was having this query and calculations inside the onCreateLoader so every time my database changed it would be notified and my array would be repopulated followed by the refresh of the ListView.

My problem is being the implementation of the necessary changes in the Loader and the ArrayAdapter. The Loader I'm used to is the CursorLoader + a SimpleCursorAdapter so I can only use Cursors Objects.

How can I proceed? Where should I look for a solution of this kind?


If your path has spaces, you will need to encapsulate the path in double quotes quotes. You may need to put a double quote before StartupPath and after .rpt


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