と同じ効果を持つ一連の命令を書くことが可能かどうか(もしそうなら、どのように)を知りたいですpush。たとえば、の内容axが1200で、を実行したpush ax場合、他にどのような命令を使用して何を実行できpush axますか?


4 に答える 4



So, what you need to do: store the value of bp somewhere, copy sp into bp, then use bp for addressing the stack, and finally restore the original value of bp.

If you have a place where to store bp, that's easy (this is in YASM/NASM syntax):

mov [bp_storage], bp
sub sp,2
mov bp,sp
mov [bp],ax
mov bp,[bp_storage]


bp_storage dw 0

Using a register instead of memory address like bp_storage here is trivial too.

Edit: Added version that does not modify flags (below), as push doesn't modify flags either.

The code above modifies flags, whereas push ax does not modify any flags. That can be solved by storing first ah into memory, then loading flags into ah with lahf, then storing the flags from ah to memory, then modifying the stack as above, and then afterwards restoring flags from memory via ah by using sahf and finally restoring ah from memory.

Edit: To simulate push ax without changes in flags, ah must be saved before lahf and loaded before mov [bp],ax. Fixed.

mov [ah_storage],ah
mov [flags_storage],ah
mov [bp_storage],bp
sub sp,2
mov bp,sp
mov ah,[ah_storage]
mov [bp],ax
mov bp,[bp_storage]
mov ah,[flags_storage]
mov ah,[ah_storage]


bp_storage    dw 0
ah_storage    db 0
flags_storage db 0

sub modifies AF, CF, OF, PF, SF, ZF, whereas lahf loads and sahf stores only AF, CF, PF, SF, ZF (no OF). However, sp should never overflow in normal stack usage.

But, if you can't access memory, and want to use stack to store bp you can do that, but if you neither have free registers to use, things get complicated. But if you are using a real mode OS, you can block interrupts with cli, exchange bp and sp, use bp for stack addressing, exchange bp and sp again and allow interrupts again with sti.

Edit: the value of sp needs to subtracted by 2 to simulate push ax. Fixed. This version does not modify flags (except interrupt flag).

xchg bp,sp
lea bp,[bp-2]
mov [bp],ax
xchg bp,sp
于 2013-02-14T18:39:31.790 に答える


sub sp, 2
mov [sp], ax
于 2013-02-14T18:05:19.950 に答える


于 2013-02-14T18:08:11.670 に答える


lea sp, [sp-2]
mov [sp], ax


編集:私はもっと重要なことを忘れていることがわかりました:[sp]アドレッシングモードはありません。正解は@nrzによるもので、私のものは80386以降に適用できますespeaxそうなるでしょうlea esp,[esp-4])。

于 2013-02-14T18:09:52.177 に答える