PHP。この文字列を 5 つの文字列に分割する方法を教えてください。

Tampa Bay 6 Florida 5 (FINAL - OT)


$team1 の最初の番号の前に分割したい

数字を $team1score に分割する

最初の番号の後と 2 番目の番号の前のテキストを $team2 に分割します

2 番目の数字を $team2score に分割します

最後に、括弧内を $results に分割します




2 つのスクリプトを PHP に変換しようとしています。以下の 2 つは同じことを行いますが、幸運なことに PHP バージョンはありません。これが以下のwindows mobileのものです。それはMSCRファイルです

msg = "[scores]^NL^"
did = 0
stream = readfile(url)

foreach entry in split(stream, "&nfl", 0)
if (find(entry, "s_left") ne "0")
entry = replace(entry,"%20"," ")
split(entry, "=", 1, a, b)

if (find(entry," at ") ne "0")
if (did eq "0")
msg = msg & "^NL^^NL^[schedule]^NL^"
did = 1
split(b, " at ", 1, team1, team2)
split(team2, "(", 1, team2, info)
split(info, ")", 1, info, j)
split(b, " ", 1, team1, b)
split(b, "(", 1, team2, info)
split(info, ")", 1, info, j)

if (find(team2,"^") ne "0")
tmp = team1
team1 = team2
team2 = tmp

team1 = replace(team1,"^","")
team2 = replace(team2,"^","")
info = replace(info,"FINAL","final")

msg = msg & team1 & " - " & team2 & " -- " & info & "^NL^"

これは、MSCR と同じことを行う CodeFusuion スクリプトです。

<!--- Lets do NFL --->    
<cfset espn = "http://sports.espn.go.com/nfl/bottomline/scores">

<cfhttp url="#espn#" method="get" resolveurl="yes" throwonerror="yes" />
<cfset myArray = arrayNew(1) />
<cfset myResult = #CFHTTP.FileContent# />

<cfif ShowNFLEspnString EQ true>
    <br />
    ESPN NFL String URL: <a href="#espn#">#espn#</a><br />
    <br />
    #myResult#<br />
    <br />

<cfset j = 1 />
<!---parse the urls, don't touch :)--->
<cfset newResult = #REReplace(myResult, "%20%20", "@", "all")# />
<cfset newResult = #REReplace(newResult, "%20", " ", "all")# />
<cfset newResult = #REReplace(newResult, "%26", "", "all")# />
<cfset newResult = #REReplace(newResult, "[(][0-9][)]", "", "all")# />
<cfset newResult = #REReplace(newResult, "[(][0-9][0-9][)]", "", "all")# />
<cfset newResult = #REReplace(newResult, "[(][A-Z][A-Z][)]", "", "all")# />
<cfset newResult = #REReplace(newResult, "\^", "", "all")# />
<cfset newResult = #REReplace(newResult, "[ \t][a-z][a-z][ \t]", "@", "all")# />
<cfset newResult = #REReplace(newResult, "[(]", "@(", "all")# />
<cfset newResult = #REReplace(newResult, "[()]", "", "all")# />

<!---loop over the urls and store the teams in a array--->
<cfloop list="#newResult#" index="i" delimiters="#chr(38)#">
    <!--- Sometimes espn has a item with no teams or scores --->
    <!--- If this is the case, a try catch will keep the loop going so it doesn't crash --->
        <cfset myArray[j] = listgetat("#i#", 2, "=") />
        <cfset j = j + 1 />
        <!--- Don't care what the extra garbage is --->

<cfset gamesArray = arrayNew(1) />
<cfset j = 1 />

<cfloop from="3" to="#arraylen(myArray)#" index="m" step="3">
    <cfset gamesArray[j] = #myArray[m]# & "&"  />
    <cfset j =  j + 1 />

<!---remove garbage character at the end of the array--->
<cfset delete = #arrayDeleteAt(gamesArray, j-1)# />

<!---turn the array back into a list for fun :)--->
<cfset breakUp = #arrayToList(gamesArray,"")# />
<cfset matchArray = arrayNew(1) />
<cfloop list="#breakUp#" index="z" delimiters="#chr(38)#">
        <cfset matchup = structNew() />
        <cfset matchup.teamOne = trim(listgetat("#z#", 1, "@")) />

        <!--- Get the score start and end places --->
        <cfset teamOneScoreStringStart = #findoneof("0123456789",matchup.teamOne)#>
        <cfset teamOneScoreStringEnd = #LEN(matchup.teamOne)#>

        <!--- Team 1 Score --->
        <cfif teamOneScoreStringStart EQ 0>
            <cfset matchup.teamOneScore = 0>
            <cfset matchup.teamOneScore =#Mid(matchup.teamOne,teamOneScoreStringStart,teamOneScoreStringEnd)#>
        <!--- Remove Score from teamOne String --->
        <cfif teamOneScoreStringStart NEQ 0>
            <cfset teamOneScoreStringStart = teamOneScoreStringStart - 1>
            <cfset matchup.teamOne = #Mid(matchup.teamOne,1,teamOneScoreStringStart)#>

        <cfset matchup.teamTwo = trim(listgetat("#z#", 2, "@")) />

        <!--- Get the score start and end places --->
        <cfset teamTwoScoreStringStart = #findoneof("0123456789",matchup.teamTwo)#>
        <cfset teamTwoScoreStringEnd = #LEN(matchup.teamTwo)#>

        <!--- Team 2 Score --->
        <cfif teamTwoScoreStringStart EQ 0>
            <cfset matchup.teamTwoScore = 0>
            <cfset matchup.teamTwoScore =#Mid(matchup.teamTwo,teamTwoScoreStringStart,teamTwoScoreStringEnd)#>
        <!--- Remove Score from teamTwo String --->
        <cfif teamTwoScoreStringStart NEQ 0>
            <cfset teamTwoScoreStringStart = teamTwoScoreStringStart - 1>
            <cfset matchup.teamTwo = #Mid(matchup.teamTwo,1,teamTwoScoreStringStart)#>

        <cfset matchup.matchDate = trim(listgetat("#z#", 3, "@")) />

        <!--- Don't care, just make sure it doesn't crash --->

    <cfset arrayAppend(matchArray,matchup) />


<cfif ShowGameDump EQ true>
    <cfdump var="#matchArray#" />

<!--- Ok lets do something with our live scores, loop through the array and add total score --->
<!--- This will be our new array to hold our information --->
<cfset matchInfoArray = arrayNew(1)>                
<cfloop from="1" to="#arraylen(matchArray)#" index="i">

    <cfset matchupinfo = structNew() />

    <!--- Set MATCHDATE --->
    <cfset matchupinfo.matchdate = matchArray[i].matchdate>

    <!--- Set TOTAL POINTS --->
    <cfif isnumeric(matchArray[i].teamonescore) AND isnumeric(matchArray[i].teamtwoscore)>
        <cfset matchupinfo.total = (matchArray[i].teamonescore + matchArray[i].teamtwoscore)>
        <cfset matchupinfo.total = 0>

    <!--- Set TEAM ONE --->
    <cfset matchupinfo.teamOne = matchArray[i].teamOne />

    <!--- Set TEAM ONE SCORE --->
    <cfset matchupinfo.teamOneScore = matchArray[i].teamonescore />

    <!--- Set TEAM TWO --->
    <cfset matchupinfo.teamTwo = matchArray[i].teamTwo />

    <!--- Set TEAM ONE SCORE --->
    <cfset matchupinfo.teamTwoScore = matchArray[i].teamtwoscore />

    <!--- Add game info to the array --->
    <cfset arrayAppend(matchInfoArray,matchupinfo) />


<cfif ShowPassFail EQ true>
    <font size="2" style="color:green;">Live Scoring Template Updated Successfully </font><br /><br /><br /><br />
<cfset variables.UpdatePassed = true>

<cfcatch type="any">
    <!--- If something went wrong, lets let display an error message and dump the catch --->
    <cfif ShowPassFail EQ true>
        <font size="2" style="color:red;">Live Scoring Template Failed to Update </font><br />
    <cfset variables.UpdatePassed = false>
    <cfdump var="#cfcatch#">


<!--- Lets make the display a little nicer :) --->
<table width="100%" border="1">

<tr align="center">
        Team 1
        Game Info
        Team 2

<cfloop from="1" to="#arraylen(matchInfoArray)#" index="i">


        <td width="40%" align="left">
            <table border="0" width="100%">
                    <td align="center" width="60%">
                        <font size="4">
                    <td align="right">
                        <font size="6">
                        #matchInfoArray[i].teamOneScore# &nbsp;
        <td width="20%" align="center">
            Total: #matchInfoArray[i].total#<br />
        <td width="40%">
            <table border="0" width="100%">
                    <td align="left">
                        <font size="6">
                    <td align="center" width="60%">
                        <font size="4">

1 に答える 1



$string = "Tampa Bay 6 Florida 5 (FINAL - OT)";

preg_match("/^([^\d]+)(\d+)([^\d]+)(\d+)\s*(\(.*\))$/", $string, $result);



配列 ( [0] => タンパベイ 6 フロリダ 5 (FINAL - OT) [1] => タンパベイ [2] => 6 [3] => フロリダ [4] => 5 [5] => (FINAL - OT) )


$first_team = 1;
$first_team_score = 2;
于 2013-02-17T08:01:23.077 に答える