Java で書かれた単純なブルート フォース ソリューションを次に示します。
* Return maximum number of floors that could be checked with given number
* of marbles and drops.
private static int getMaximumFloors (int marblesCount, int dropsCount)
if (marblesCount == 0) return 0;
int result = 0;
for (int i = 0; i < dropsCount; i++)
result += getMaximumFloors (marblesCount - 1, i) + 1;
return result;
* Return minimum number of drops that is definitely enough to check
* given number of floors having given number of marbles.
private static int getMinimumDrops (int marblesCount, int floorsCount)
int dropsCount = 0;
while (getMaximumFloors (marblesCount, dropsCount) < floorsCount)
dropsCount += 1;
return dropsCount;
public static void main (String [] args)
System.out.println (getMinimumDrops (2, 100));
C/C++ への移植は容易なはずです。
2 marbles, 100 floors -> 14
3 marbles, 100 floors -> 9
4 marbles, 100 floors -> 8
5 marbles, 100 floors -> 7
6 marbles, 100 floors -> 7