たとえば、JavaScript で期間を変換するにはどうすればよいですか。
"PT16H30M".replace(/PT(\d+)H(\d+)M/, "$1:$2");
function convertDuration(t){
//dividing period from time
var x = t.split('T'),
duration = '',
time = {},
period = {},
//just shortcuts
s = 'string',
v = 'variables',
l = 'letters',
// store the information about ISO8601 duration format and the divided strings
d = {
period: {
string: x[0].substring(1,x[0].length),
len: 4,
// years, months, weeks, days
letters: ['Y', 'M', 'W', 'D'],
variables: {}
time: {
string: x[1],
len: 3,
// hours, minutes, seconds
letters: ['H', 'M', 'S'],
variables: {}
//in case the duration is a multiple of one day
if (!d.time.string) {
d.time.string = '';
for (var i in d) {
var len = d[i].len;
for (var j = 0; j < len; j++) {
d[i][s] = d[i][s].split(d[i][l][j]);
if (d[i][s].length>1) {
d[i][v][d[i][l][j]] = parseInt(d[i][s][0], 10);
d[i][s] = d[i][s][1];
} else {
d[i][v][d[i][l][j]] = 0;
d[i][s] = d[i][s][0];
period = d.period.variables;
time = d.time.variables;
time.H += 24 * period.D +
24 * 7 * period.W +
24 * 7 * 4 * period.M +
24 * 7 * 4 * 12 * period.Y;
if (time.H) {
duration = time.H + ':';
if (time.M < 10) {
time.M = '0' + time.M;
if (time.S < 10) {
time.S = '0' + time.S;
duration += time.M + ':' + time.S;