type comparison = Lesser | Equal | Greater
class type comparable = object ('a)
method compareTo: 'a -> comparison
end ;;
class type textualizable = object
method toString: string
end ;;
(* this corresponds in Haskell to a multiparameter type class *)
class type ['b] printable = object ('a)
constraint 'b = #textualizable
method printWithPrefix: 'b -> unit
end ;;
class type ['b] comparableAndPrintable = object ('a)
inherit comparable
inherit ['b] printable
end ;;
(* -------------- *)
class textile (str_init:string): textualizable = object
val str = str_init
method toString = str
end ;;
class comparableAndPrintableImpl1 (x_init: int) = object (this:'a)
constraint 'a = 'b #comparableAndPrintable (* interface implementation requirement *)
constraint 'b = textualizable (* concrete type parameter *)
val x = x_init
method getx = x
method compareTo (that:'a) = let r = this#getx - that#getx in
match r with
| 0 -> Equal
| _ when r < 0 -> Lesser
| _ -> Greater
method printWithPrefix (pref: 'b) = Printf.printf "%s %d\n" pref#toString x
end ;;
let boxSort (pivot: #comparable) (lows, equals, highs) (x: #comparable) =
match x#compareTo pivot with
| Lesser -> x :: lows, equals, highs
| Equal -> lows, x :: equals, highs
| Greater -> lows, equals, x :: highs
let rec qsort (li : #comparable list) =
match li with
[] | [_] -> li
| [a;b] -> (match a#compareTo b with
Lesser | Equal -> [a;b]
| Greater -> [b;a]
| x :: xs -> let (lows, equals, highs) = List.fold_left (boxSort x) ([], [], []) xs in
qsort lows @ (x :: equals) @ qsort highs
let print_myList (prefix: 'a) (li: 'a #printable list) =
let print_it it = it#printWithPrefix prefix in
print_endline "\nlist: " ;
List.iter print_it li
let intlist (lfrom: int) (lto: int) =
let open BatLazyList in
to_list (range lfrom lto) (* lazy range generator from BatLazyList *)
let myComparableAndPrintableList =
List.map (new comparableAndPrintableImpl1) (List.rev (intlist 1 5))
let myprefix = new textile "x ="
let sortAndPrint (li: 'a #comparableAndPrintable list) =
let sorted = qsort li in
print_myList myprefix li ;
print_myList myprefix sorted
sortAndPrint myComparableAndPrintableList ;;
ocamlfind ocamlc -package batteries -linkpkg test.ml -o test