dynatree.js で js ツリーを作成しました。私は非常に長いヒエラルキーを持っています。ロード時にツリーが展開されて表示されます。ツリーを 1 レベルまで拡張する必要があります。以下は私のコードです
<apex:component controller="TreeViewController">
<apex:attribute name="roleOrUserId" required="true" type="String" assignTo="{!roleOrUserId}" description="Enter Role or User Id to build the hierarchy. Pass null if you are passing JSON data as a parameter" />
<apex:attribute name="selectable" type="Boolean" assignTo="{!selectable}" description="Do you want nodes to be selectable?" />
<apex:attribute name="value" type="String" description="IDs of selected Nodes in CSV format" />
<apex:attribute name="JsonData" type="String" assignTo="{!JsonData}" description="JSON input for the tree component" />
<apex:inputHidden id="selectedKeys" value="{!value}" />
<!--<apex:includeScript value="{!URLFOR($Resource.DynaTree, 'jquery/jquery.js' )}" /> -->
<apex:includescript value="https://ajax.googleapis.com/ajax/libs/jquery/1.7.1/jquery.js"/>
<apex:includeScript value="{!URLFOR($Resource.DynaTree, 'jquery/jquery-ui.custom.js' )}" />
<apex:includeScript value="{!URLFOR($Resource.DynaTree, 'jquery/jquery.cookie.js' )}" />
<apex:includeScript value="{!URLFOR($Resource.DynaTree, 'src/jquery.dynatree.js' )}" />
<!--<apex:includeScript value="{!$Resource.DynaTreeJs}" /> -->
<apex:stylesheet value="{!URLFOR($Resource.DynaTree, 'src/skin/ui.dynatree.css')}" />
<!-- Add code to initialize the tree when the document is loaded: -->
<script type="text/javascript">
$(document).ready(function() {
// Attach the dynatree widget to an existing <div id="tree"> element
// and pass the tree options as an argument to the dynatree() function:
onActivate: function(node) {
// A DynaTreeNode object is passed to the activation handler
// Note: we also get this event, if persistence is on, and the page is reloaded.
//alert("You activated " + node.data.key);
persist: false,
checkbox: true,
generateIds: false,
classNames: {
checkbox: "dynatree-checkbox",
expanded: "dynatree-expanded"
selectMode: 3,
children: {!JsonString},
onSelect: function(select, node) {
// Get a list of all selected nodes, and convert to a key array:
var selKeys = $.map(node.tree.getSelectedNodes(), function(node){
return node.data.key;
jQuery(document.getElementById("{!$Component.selectedKeys}")).val(selKeys.join(", "));
// Get a list of all selected TOP nodes
var selRootNodes = node.tree.getSelectedNodes(true);
// ... and convert to a key array:
var selRootKeys = $.map(selRootNodes, function(node){
return node.data.key;
<!-- Add a <div> element where the tree should appear: -->
<div id="tree"> </div>