
#include <stdio.h>
#include <math.h>

int main()
    float firstnum, secondnum, answer;
    char function;

    printf("\nHello and welcome to my calculator!\n");                                             //Intro

    start:                                                                                         //Area to loop to when program completes

    printf("\nPlease input the function you would like to use.  These include +, -, *, /.\n");     //Asking for function input

    scanf("%c", &function);                                                                        //Receiving Function Input

    printf("\nNow please input the two variables.\n");                                             //Asking for variables

    scanf("%f", &firstnum);

    scanf("%f", &secondnum);                                                                       //Receiving Input for Variables

    if (function == '+')                                                                           //Doing calculation
            answer = firstnum+secondnum;
    else if (function == '-')
    answer = firstnum-secondnum;
    else if (function == '*')
    answer = firstnum*secondnum;
    else if (function == '/')
    answer = firstnum/secondnum;
            printf("Sorry that was an incorrect function.  The correct inputs are +, -, *, /.");       //If they don't follow the directions

    printf("Your answer is %f \n", answer);                                                        //Answer

    goto start;                                                                                    //Loop

return 0;



3 に答える 3


【エンター】キーです。最初scanfは、前の反復を終了するために押したエンター キーを読み取ります。

したがって、改行を食べるには、別のscanf("%c", &function);またはgetchar();直前に追加する必要があります。goto


おそらくより良い方法は、`scanf` にすべての改行を期待する場所を伝えることでしょう。この方法では、何もしていないように見えるがコメントされていない (!) 奇妙な謎の行は必要ありません。今から数か月後にこのコードをもう一度いじると、問題が発生するからです。
//scanf("%c\n", &function); /* read a character followed by newline DOESN'T WORK */
//scanf("%f\n", &secondnum); /* read a number followed by newline DOESN'T WORK */

このようにして、末尾の改行が消費されます。これは、(ユーザー側から)より直感的な動作だと思います。 いいえ。うまくいきません。そうすればよかったのに。

私は動揺していませんgoto。古くからの友人に会えてうれしいです。もしあったとしても、これは適切な使い方です。フォームとまったく同じwhileです。したがって、ほとんどのwhile(1)人はlabel:. しかし、画面よりも小さい関数で無限ループが発生するのはなぜでしょうか? 楽しむ。アザラシの赤ちゃんに害はありません。:)

于 2013-02-21T03:03:46.933 に答える


#include <stdio.h>
#include <math.h>

int main() {

    float firstnum, secondnum, answer;
    char function, buffer[2];

    while(1) {      

        printf("\nHello and welcome to my calculator!\n");                                             

        printf("\nPlease input the function you would like to use.  These include +, -, *, /.\n");     
        scanf("%s", &buffer);   
        function = buffer[0];
        printf("\nNow please input the two variables.\n");  
        scanf("%f", &firstnum);
        scanf("%f", &secondnum);
        if (function == '+') answer = firstnum+secondnum;
        else if (function == '-') answer = firstnum-secondnum;
        else if (function == '*') answer = firstnum*secondnum;
        else if (function == '/') answer = firstnum/secondnum;
        else printf("Sorry that was an incorrect function.  The correct inputs are +, -, *, /.");    

        printf("Your answer is %f \n", answer);                                                               

     return 0;



 scanf("%s",&buffer); function = buffer[0];


于 2013-02-21T03:11:39.877 に答える

One "best practise" regarding scanf is to check it's return value. In regards to the return value of scanf, I suggest reading this scanf manual carefully and answering the following questions:

  1. int x = scanf("%d", &foo); What do you suppose x will be if I enter "fubar\n" as input?
  2. Where do you suppose the 'f' from "fubar\n" will go?
  3. If it remains in stdin, would you expect a second scanf("%d", &foo); to be successful?
  4. int x = scanf("%d", &foo); What do you suppose x will be if I run this code on Windows and press CTRL+Z to send EOF to stdin?
  5. Would it be safe to use foo if x is less than 1? Why not?
  6. int x = scanf("%d %d", &foo, &bar); What would you expect x to be if I enter "123 456\n" as input?
  7. Do you suppose the '\n' will still be on stdin? What value would char_variable hold following scanf("%c", &char_variable);?

EOF can be sent through stdin in Windows by CTRL+Z, and in Linux and friends by CTRL+D, in addition to using pipes and redirection to redirect input from other programs and files.

By using code like int function; for (function = getchar(); function >= 0 && isspace(function); function = getchar()); assert(function >= 0); or char function; assert(scanf("%*[ \n]%c", &function) == 1); you can discard leading whitespace before assigning to function.

于 2013-02-21T04:09:26.703 に答える