I am currently working on a research project and I need a little help. Since I am just a novice in JS/Highcharts, the issue may seem basic to many. I want to display a circle at the mouse position (i.e. whenever mouse hovers on the chart).

And when I click the mouse (mousedown) I want the circle to stick in that position, and thereafter the circle does not follow the mouse position but remains stuck in the mouseclick position.

I believe that the circle can be made using renderer.circle(). And the mouse position can be obtained from jQuery function. But I need a logic to incorporate them inside HighStocks.

Any help will be appreciated. If you can provide solution based on the demo link(jsfiddle.net/gh/get/jquery/1.7.2/highslide-software/highcharts.com/tree/master/samples/stock/demo/candlestick/) then thats will be amazing.


1 に答える 1


完璧ではありません (少し途切れ途切れです) が、次の手順で作業を開始できます。

// setup `chart` object ...

var circle = chart.renderer.circle(0, 0, 5).attr({
    fill: 'blue',
    stroke: 'black',
    'stroke-width': 1

var stuck = false;


    if (stuck) {

        x: event.offsetX,
        y: event.offsetY

    stuck = true;

        x: event.offsetX,
        y: event.offsetY


于 2013-02-21T05:46:14.193 に答える