import java.util.Scanner;
public class RichterScaleDamage
public static void main(String[] args)
Scanner userInput = new Scanner(System.in);
String name = "";
char answer = 'Y';
double homeValue = 0;
double richterScale = 0;
double payout = 0;
double deductible = 0;
String coverage = "";
System.out.printf("\nPlease enter your name: ");
name = userInput.nextLine();
while(Character.toUpperCase(answer) == 'Y')
System.out.printf("\nPlease enter the insured value of your home: ");
homeValue = userInput.nextDouble();
System.out.printf("\nRichter Scale Description of Effect"
+"\n 8.0 Most structures fall"
+"\n 7.0 Many buildings destroyed"
+"\n 6.0 Many buildings considerably damaged, some collapse"
+"\n 4.5 Damage to poorly constructed buildings"
+"\n 3.5 Felt by many people, no destruction"
+"\n 0 Generally not felt by people\n\n");
System.out.printf("\nPlease enter the Richter scale value for the earthquake: ");
richterScale = userInput.nextDouble();
if(richterScale < 0)
System.out.printf("\nInvalid! Cannot enter negative values");
System.out.printf("\n\nEnter \'Y\' to continue with another calculation or \'N\' to exit: ");
answer = userInput.nextLine().charAt(0);
if(richterScale >= 8)
String message = "Most structures fall";
payout = homeValue * .85;
deductible = homeValue * .15;
coverage += String.format("\n%-50s %6s$%,20.2f"
+"\nDeductable%47s %,20.2f"
+"\n%46sTOTAL %4s $%,20.2f\n",
message, " ", payout, " ", deductible, " ", " ", payout + deductible);
System.out.printf("%s", coverage);
if(richterScale < 8 && richterScale >= 7)
String message = "Many buildings destroyed";
payout = homeValue * .75;
deductible = homeValue * .25;
coverage += String.format("\n%-50s %6s$%,20.2f"
+"\nDeductable%47s %,20.2f"
+"\n%46sTOTAL %4s $%,20.2f\n",
message, " ", payout, " ", deductible, " ", " ", payout + deductible);
System.out.printf("%s", coverage);
if(richterScale < 7 && richterScale >= 6)
String message = "Damage to poorly constructed buildings";
payout = homeValue * .75;
deductible = homeValue * .25;
coverage += String.format("\n%-50s %6s$%,20.2f"
+"\nDeductable%47s %,20.2f"
+"\n%46sTOTAL %4s $%,20.2f\n",
message, " ", payout, " ", deductible, " ", " ", payout + deductible);
System.out.printf("%s", coverage);
if(richterScale < 6 && richterScale >= 4.5)
String message = "Many buildings considerably damaged, some collapse";
payout = homeValue * .65;
deductible = homeValue * .35;
coverage += String.format("\n%-50s %6s$%,20.2f"
+"\nDeductable%47s %,20.2f"
+"\n%46sTOTAL %4s $%,20.2f\n",
message, " ", payout, " ", deductible, " ", " ", payout + deductible);
System.out.printf("%s", coverage);
if(richterScale < 4.5 && richterScale >= 3.5)
String message = "Felt by many people, no destruction";
payout = homeValue * .55;
deductible = homeValue * .45;
coverage += String.format("\n%-50s %6s$%,20.2f"
+"\nDeductable%47s %,20.2f"
+"\n%46sTOTAL %4s $%,20.2f\n",
message, " ", payout, " ", deductible, " ", " ", payout + deductible);
System.out.printf("%s", coverage);
if(richterScale < 3.5 && richterScale >= 0)
String message = "Generally not felt by people";
payout = homeValue * .0;
deductible = homeValue * .25;
coverage += String.format("\n%-50s %6s$%,20.2f"
+"\nDeductable%47s %,20.2f"
+"\n%46sTOTAL %4s $%,20.2f\n",
message, " ", payout, " ", deductible, " ", " ", payout + deductible);
System.out.printf("%s", coverage);
名前を入力してください:名前 あなたの家の保険金額を入力してください:1000000 マグニチュード効果の説明 8.0ほとんどの構造物が落ちる 7.0多くの建物が破壊された 6.0多くの建物がかなり損傷し、一部は倒壊 4.5不十分に建設された建物への損害 3.5多くの人に感じられ、破壊されない 0一般的に人には感じられない 地震のマグニチュード値を入力してください:5 'Y'を入力して別の計算を続行するか、'N'を入力して終了します:y あなたの家の保険金額を入力してください:349999 マグニチュード効果の説明 8.0ほとんどの構造物が落ちる 7.0多くの建物が破壊された 6.0多くの建物がかなり損傷し、一部は倒壊 4.5不十分に建設された建物への損害 3.5多くの人に感じられ、破壊されない 0一般的に人には感じられない 地震のマグニチュード値を入力してください:6 'Y'を入力して別の計算を続行するか、'N'を入力して終了します:n 建設が不十分な建物への損害$262,499.25 控除対象87,499.75 合計$349,999.00