I have a photo gallery and want to update multiple captions at once via form input. I've tried to research this but I think I'm in way over my head. This is what I have so far but it's not working..

The data is saved in an SQL table called "gallery". An example row might look like:

gallery_id(key) = some number
product_id      = 500
photo           = photo.jpg
caption         = 'look at this picture'

My form inputs are generated like this:

$sql = mysql_query("SELECT * FROM gallery WHERE product_id = 500");

 while($row = mysql_fetch_array($sql)) {
  echo '<img src="$photo"/>';
  echo '<input name="cap['.$caption.']" id="cap['.$caption.']" value="'.$caption.'" />';

So once I submit the form I start to access my inputs like this but I hit a wall..

    if( isset($_POST['cap']) && is_array($_POST['cap']) ) {
       foreach($_POST['cap'] as $cap) {
        mysql_query("UPDATE gallery 
                     SET caption=$caption
                     WHERE ???????");


I don't know how to tell the database where to put these inputs and as far as I can tell you can't pass more than one variable in a foreach loop.


1 に答える 1


$ _POSTは配列です。間違いがなければ(今はテストできず、PHPで新しいです)、次のことができます。

foreach ($_POST as $p) {
mysql_query("UPDATE gallery 
                 SET caption=$cap
                 WHERE photoid=$id");

于 2013-02-25T02:24:46.070 に答える