// NOTE:
// m_chFileBuffer is a member/variable from a class.
// m_nFileSize is also a member/variable from a class.
// iFile is declared locally as std::ifstream
// Calculate the size of iFile and copy the calculated
// value to this->m_nFileSize
iFile.seekg( 0, std::ios::end );
this->m_nFileSize = iFile.tellg( );
iFile.seekg( 0, std::ios::beg );
// Declare this->m_chFileBuffer as a new char array
this->m_chFileBuffer = new char[ this->m_nFileSize ];
// Read iFile into this->m_chFileBuffer
iFile.read( this->m_chFileBuffer, this->m_nFileSize );
// Declare a new local variable
::UINT *nFileBuffer = new ::UINT[ this->m_nFileSize ];
// Convert this->m_chFileBuffer from char to unsigned int (::UINT)
// I might be doing this horribly wrong, but at least I tried and
// will end up learning from my mistakes!
for( ::UINT nIndex = 0; nIndex != this->m_nFileSize; nIndex ++ )
nFileBuffer[ nIndex ] = static_cast< ::UINT >( this->m_chFileBuffer[ nIndex ] );
// If defined DEBUG, print the value located at nIndex within nFileBuffer
#ifdef DEBUG
std::cout << nFileBuffer[ nIndex ] << ' ';
#endif // DEBUG
// Do whatever with nFileBuffer
// Clean-up
delete [ ] nFileBuffer;
何かを得ましたか?: 目的を完了するためのより良い方法がある場合は、以下に投稿してください!
詳細: この概念をunsigned int std :: vectorに適用することは可能ですか?