Pic16F887 のこの LCD の例を理解しようとしています。 http://www.mikroe.com/chapters/view/17/chapter-4-examples/#c4v12


lcdpic16.c:32: warning: function declared implicit int
lcdpic16.c:33: warning: function declared implicit int
lcdpic16.c:33: error: undefined identifier "_LCD_CURSOR_OFF"
lcdpic16.c:34: error: undefined identifier "_LCD_CLEAR"
lcdpic16.c:36: warning: illegal conversion between pointer types
pointer to const unsigned char -> pointer to unsigned char
lcdpic16.c:37: warning: function declared implicit int
lcdpic16.c:38: warning: illegal conversion between pointer types
pointer to const unsigned char -> pointer to unsigned char
lcdpic16.c:43: warning: function declared implicit int
lcdpic16.c:45: warning: illegal conversion between pointer types
pointer to const unsigned char -> pointer to unsigned char
lcdpic16.c:48: warning: function declared implicit int
lcdpic16.c:54: warning: function declared implicit int
lcdpic16.c:55: warning: function declared implicit int
(908) exit status = 1
make: *** [build/default/production/lcdpic16.p1] Error 1

BUILD FAILED (exit value 2, total time: 22s)  

ソースコード (lcdp16.c)

#include <pic16f887.h>

// LCD module connections
#define LCD_RS RB4
#define LCD_RS RB4
#define LCD_EN RB5
#define LCD_D4 RB0
#define LCD_D5 RB1
#define LCD_D6 RB2
#define LCD_D7 RB3
#define LCD_RS_Direction TRISB4
#define LCD_EN_Direction TRISB5
#define LCD_D4_Direction TRISB0
#define LCD_D5_Direction TRISB1
#define LCD_D6_Direction TRISB2
#define LCD_D7_Direction TRISB3
// End LCD module connections

unsigned char ch;                    //
unsigned int adc_rd;                 // Declare variables
char *text;                          //
long tlong;                          //

void main() {
    INTCON = 0;                      // All interrupts disabled
    ANSEL = 0x04;                    // Pin RA2 is configured as an analog input
    TRISA = 0x04;
    ANSELH = 0;                      // Rest of pins are configured as digital

    Lcd_Init();                      // LCD display initialization
    Lcd_Cmd(_LCD_CURSOR_OFF);        // LCD command (cursor off)
    Lcd_Cmd(_LCD_CLEAR);             // LCD command (clear LCD)

    text = "mikroElektronika";       // Define the first message
    Lcd_Out(1,1,text);               // Write the first message in the first line
    text = "LCD example";            // Define the second message
    Lcd_Out(2,1,text);               // Define the first message

    ADCON1 = 0x82;                   // A/D voltage reference is VCC
    TRISA = 0xFF;                    // All port A pins are configured as inputs

    text = "voltage:";               // Define the third message

    while (1) {
        adc_rd = ADC_Read(2);        // A/D conversion. Pin RA2 is an input.
        Lcd_Out(2,1,text);           // Write result in the second line
        tlong = (long)adc_rd * 5000; // Convert the result in millivolts
        tlong = tlong / 1023;        // 0..1023 -> 0-5000mV
        ch = tlong / 1000;           // Extract volts (thousands of millivolts)
                                     // from result
        Lcd_Chr(2,9,48+ch);          // Write result in ASCII format
        ch = (tlong / 100) % 10;     // Extract hundreds of millivolts
        Lcd_Chr_CP(48+ch);           // Write result in ASCII format
        ch = (tlong / 10) % 10;      // Extract tens of millivolts
        Lcd_Chr_CP(48+ch);           // Write result in ASCII format
        ch = tlong % 10;             // Extract digits for millivolts
        Lcd_Chr_CP(48+ch);           // Write result in ASCII format

誰が私に何が起こっているのか説明できますか? コンパイラがメソッドを認識できるように、カスタム LCD ライブラリを作成する必要がありますLcd_Init()か? (Windows 7 / XC8 / MPLAB X)


4 に答える 4


MPLAB XC8 の場合は、次のリンクのライブラリを使用してください。 PIC マイクロコントローラと LCD のインターフェイス - MPLAB XC8

その記事の例では、PIC 16F877A マイクロコントローラーを使用しています。MPLAB プロジェクト設定で変更するだけで、PIC 16F877 に変換できます。

于 2014-08-21T05:31:30.733 に答える