double を使用してバイナリ ツリーを実装しようとしていますが、double の比較が正しくないと思います。int をフィードすると、正しく動作します。ただし、小数点以下の桁数が多い double を挿入すると、segfault が発生します。


int BinaryTree::insert_node(double val, char *str){;
  return insert_node_helper(this->root, val, str); 

int BinaryTree::insert_node_helper(TreeNode *&node, double val, char *str){

  if(node == NULL){
    node = new TreeNode;
    node->val = val;
    node->str = strdup(str);
    node->left = NULL;
    node->right = NULL;
    return 0;
  }else if(val > node->val){ 
    return insert_node_helper(node->right, val, str);
    return insert_node_helper(node->left, val, str);

  return 1;

TreeNode の定義:

struct TreeNode {
   double val;
   char *str;
   TreeNode *left;
   TreeNode *right;


void HashTable::chi_squared(){

  int numTokens = numBigrams + 1;
  BinaryTree topBigrams;
  int treeInsertions = 0;

  //indices for confusion matrix
  int o11, o12, o21, o22 = 0;
  int w1, w2, notW1, notW2 = 0;
  double e11, e12, e21, e22 = 0;
  double x2 = 0;

  for(int i = 0; i < size; i++){
    if(table[i] != NULL){
      TokenList *temp = table[i]->tl;
      while(temp != NULL){

    Entry *temp2 = search(temp->str);
    if(temp2 == NULL){
      printf("string (  %s  ) \n", temp->str);
      temp = temp->next;

    o11 = temp->occurrences;  //total occurrences of word1 followed by word2
    o21 = table[i]->occurrences - temp->occurrences;  //total occurrences of word1 not followed by word2
    o12 = search(temp->str)->occurrences - temp->occurrences;  //total occurrences of not word1 followed by word2
    o22 = numTokens - o11 - o12 - o21;   //total occurrences of not word1 followed by not word2

    w1 = table[i]->occurrences;
    w2 = search(temp->str)->occurrences;
    notW1 = numTokens - w1;
    notW2 = numTokens - w2;

    e11 = (w1 / (double)numTokens) * (w2 / (double)numTokens) * numTokens;
    e12 = (notW1 / (double)numTokens) * (w2 / (double)numTokens) * numTokens;
    e21 = (w1 / (double)numTokens) * (notW2 / (double)numTokens) * numTokens;
    e22 = (notW1 / (double)numTokens) * (notW2 / (double)numTokens) * numTokens;

    x2 = (pow((o11 - e11), 2) / (double)e11) + 
      (pow((o12 - e12), 2) / (double)e12) +
      (pow((o21 - e21), 2) / (double)e21) +
      (pow((o22 - e22), 2) / (double)e22);

    x2 /= 100;

    if(x2 >= 50){
      if(treeInsertions < 100){
        topBigrams.insert_node(x2, strcat(strcat(temp->str, "  "), table[i]->str));
      }else if(x2 > topBigrams.find_min()->val){
         topBigrams.replace_min(x2, strcat(strcat(temp->str, "  "), table[i]->str));


    temp = temp->next;


x2 は通常次のようになります。



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