db.FTSearch(FIELD examplefield >= 02/25/2013) を実行しているときに、「関係演算子はテキスト フィールドではサポートされていません」というエラーが表示されます。ここでフィールド名は「examplefield」で、フィールドタイプはdatetimeです



2 に答える 2


As described in the question that Simon linked to, the UNK table in a database will determine the data type that is used for a field when doing full text searches. The data type you have set for that field on any particular form does not matter - the field in the UNK table is defined by actual data on documents, and does not automatically re-calculate itself. So, you first want to ensure that "examplefield" in every document in which it exists has a datatype for date-time. But then, you would also need to re-build the UNK table. There are 2 ways - that I know of - to do this:

  1. Drop the full-text index on the database, compact the database, and then re-create the index.
  2. Create a new replica of the database and replace the existing database with the replica.

Also, you can check the datatype for a field in the UNK table using the freeware NotesPeek tool - which you can download from here: http://www-01.ibm.com/support/docview.wss?uid=swg24005686

于 2013-02-27T23:07:25.327 に答える

一般的に、私は FTSearch を使用しません。examplefield で並べ替えられた最初の列を yyyy-mm-dd 形式のテキストとして非表示のビューを作成します。次に、これを使用できます。

set o_doc = o_hidden_view.GetDocumentByKey("2013-03-25") 
while not o_doc is nothing
    'Do something

    set o_doc = o_view.GetnextDocument(o_doc)


于 2013-03-15T03:12:53.640 に答える