msdn c#のドキュメントとスタックオーバーフローを検索することで、キーの一意性のチェックと検索Dictionary<T,T>
public class DictionaryTest
public static void TestKeyUniqueness()
//Test a dictionary of type1
Dictionary<KeyType1, string> dictionaryType1 = new Dictionary<KeyType1, string>();
dictionaryType1[new KeyType1(1)] = "Val1";
if(dictionaryType1.ContainsKey(new KeyType1(1)))
Debug.Log ("Key in dicType1 was already present"); //This line does NOT print
//Test a dictionary of type1
Dictionary<KeyType2, string> dictionaryType2 = new Dictionary<KeyType2, string>();
dictionaryType2[new KeyType2(1)] = "Val1";
if(dictionaryType2.ContainsKey(new KeyType2(1)))
Debug.Log ("Key in dicType2 was already present"); // Only this line prints
//This type implements only GetHashCode()
public class KeyType1
private int var1;
public KeyType1(int v1)
var1 = v1;
public override int GetHashCode ()
return var1;
//This type implements both GetHashCode() and Equals(obj), where Equals uses the hashcode.
public class KeyType2
private int var1;
public KeyType2(int v1)
var1 = v1;
public override int GetHashCode ()
return var1;
public override bool Equals (object obj)
return GetHashCode() == obj.GetHashCode();