着信文字を解釈して「分割」できるようにしたいと思います (この場合は、スペース文字で)。
var incomingCharacters = "This is a test".ToCharArray().ToObservable();
// Yields a sequence of words - "This", "is", "a", "test"
var incomingWords = incomingCharacters.Split(' ');
public static IObservable<string> Split(this IObservable<char> incomingCharacters, char s)
var wordSeq = Observable.Create<string>(observer =>
// Create an inner sequence to look for word separators; publish each word to the
// "outer sequence" as it is found
var innerSeq = incomingCharacters
.Concat(Observable.Return(s)) // Enables the last word to be processed
.Scan(new StringBuilder(), (builder, c) =>
if (c != s)
return builder;
// We encountered a "split" character; publish the current completed word
// and begin collecting a new one
return new StringBuilder();
innerSeq.Subscribe(list => { });
return Disposable.Empty;
// Return the outer sequence
return wordSeq;