Windows Server 2008 R2 で実行されている MongoDB 2.2.3 シャードへの挿入操作中に、以下に示すように、シャード内のレプリケーションの 1 つがログ ファイルと共にクラッシュしました。

この問題はページ ファイルの不足に起因しているように見えたので、そのサイズを 8 GB から 15 GB に倍増してみましたが、複製を開始できないという問題は変わりませんでした。




Wed Feb 27 09:02:03 [initandlisten] connection accepted from #16840 (14 connections now open)
Wed Feb 27 09:02:21 [conn16839] end connection (13 connections now open)
Wed Feb 27 09:02:21 [initandlisten] connection accepted from #16841 (14 connections now open)
Wed Feb 27 09:02:28 [repl writer worker 1] VirtualProtect for E:/MongoDB/data/api.62 chunk 8245 failed with errno:1455 The paging file is too small for this operation to complete. (chunk size is 67108864, address is 80d4000000) in mongo::makeChunkWritable, terminating
Wed Feb 27 09:02:28 [repl writer worker 1]  api.commhistory Fatal Assertion 16362
Wed Feb 27 09:02:33 [conn16840] end connection (13 connections now open)
Wed Feb 27 09:02:33 [initandlisten] connection accepted from #16842 (14 connections now open)


Wed Feb 27 09:22:35 [rsBackgroundSync] replSet syncing to: MASB-MGO-MGO01:27017
Wed Feb 27 09:22:35 [rsSync] replSet still syncing, not yet to minValid optime 512dcba3:c
Wed Feb 27 09:22:36 [rsSyncNotifier] replset setting oplog notifier to MASB-MGO-MGO01:27017
Wed Feb 27 09:22:37 [rsHealthPoll] couldn't connect to MASB-MGO-RPL02:27017: couldn't connect to server MASB-MGO-RPL02:27017
Wed Feb 27 09:22:41 [rsHealthPoll] couldn't connect to MASB-MGO-RPL02:27017: couldn't connect to server MASB-MGO-RPL02:27017
Wed Feb 27 09:22:45 [rsHealthPoll] couldn't connect to MASB-MGO-RPL02:27017: couldn't connect to server MASB-MGO-RPL02:27017
Wed Feb 27 09:22:46 [repl writer worker 1] VirtualProtect for E:/MongoDB/data/api.68 chunk 10164 failed with errno:1455 The paging file is too small for this operation to complete. (chunk size is 67108864, address is 9ed0000000) in mongo::makeChunkWritable, terminating
Wed Feb 27 09:22:46 [repl writer worker 1]  api.commhistory Fatal Assertion 16362
Wed Feb 27 09:22:48 [repl writer worker 1] mongod.exe  ...\src\mongo\util\stacktrace.cpp(182)                           mongo::printStackTrace+0x3e
Wed Feb 27 09:22:48 [repl writer worker 1] mongod.exe  ...\src\mongo\util\assert_util.cpp(126)                          mongo::fassertFailed+0x43
Wed Feb 27 09:22:48 [repl writer worker 1] mongod.exe  ...\src\mongo\util\mmap_win.cpp(264)                             mongo::makeChunkWritable+0x342
Wed Feb 27 09:22:48 [repl writer worker 1] mongod.exe  ...\src\mongo\util\mmap.h(274)                                   mongo::MemoryMappedFile::makeWritable+0x56
Wed Feb 27 09:22:48 [repl writer worker 1] mongod.exe  ...\src\mongo\db\dur_commitjob.cpp(93)                           mongo::dur::DurableImpl::declareWriteIntent+0x5f
Wed Feb 27 09:22:48 [repl writer worker 1] mongod.exe  ...\src\mongo\db\dur.cpp(239)                                    mongo::dur::DurableImpl::writingAtOffset+0x18
Wed Feb 27 09:22:48 [repl writer worker 1] mongod.exe  ...\src\mongo\db\btree.cpp(406)                                  mongo::BucketBasics<mongo::BtreeData_V1>::basicInsert+0xcd
Wed Feb 27 09:22:48 [repl writer worker 1] mongod.exe  ...\src\mongo\db\btree.cpp(1309)                                 mongo::BtreeBucket<mongo::BtreeData_V1>::insertHere+0xa0
Wed Feb 27 09:22:48 [repl writer worker 1] mongod.exe  ...\src\mongo\db\index_insertion_continuation.h(66)              mongo::IndexInsertionContinuationImpl<mongo::BtreeData_V1>::doIndexInsertionWrites+0xda
Wed Feb 27 09:22:48 [repl writer worker 1] mongod.exe  ...\src\mongo\db\index_update.cpp(146)                           mongo::indexRecordUsingTwoSteps+0x77a
Wed Feb 27 09:22:48 [repl writer worker 1] mongod.exe  ...\src\mongo\db\pdfile.cpp(1546)                                mongo::DataFileMgr::insert+0x845
Wed Feb 27 09:22:48 [repl writer worker 1] mongod.exe  ...\src\mongo\db\pdfile.cpp(1273)                                mongo::DataFileMgr::insertWithObjMod+0x48
Wed Feb 27 09:22:48 [repl writer worker 1] mongod.exe  ...\src\mongo\db\ops\update.cpp(203)                             mongo::_updateObjects+0x4c2
Wed Feb 27 09:22:48 [repl writer worker 1] mongod.exe  ...\src\mongo\db\oplog.cpp(780)                                  mongo::applyOperation_inlock+0x507
Wed Feb 27 09:22:48 [repl writer worker 1] mongod.exe  ...\src\mongo\db\repl\rs_sync.cpp(84)                            mongo::replset::SyncTail::syncApply+0x245
Wed Feb 27 09:22:48 [repl writer worker 1] mongod.exe  ...\src\mongo\db\repl\rs_sync.cpp(121)                           mongo::replset::multiSyncApply+0x65
Wed Feb 27 09:22:48 [repl writer worker 1] mongod.exe  ...\src\mongo\util\concurrency\thread_pool.cpp(66)               mongo::threadpool::Worker::loop+0x94
Wed Feb 27 09:22:48 [repl writer worker 1] mongod.exe  ...\src\third_party\boost\libs\thread\src\win32\thread.cpp(180)  boost::`anonymous namespace'::thread_start_function+0x21
Wed Feb 27 09:22:48 [repl writer worker 1] mongod.exe  f:\dd\vctools\crt_bld\self_64_amd64\crt\src\threadex.c(314)      _callthreadstartex+0x17
Wed Feb 27 09:22:48 [repl writer worker 1] mongod.exe  f:\dd\vctools\crt_bld\self_64_amd64\crt\src\threadex.c(292)      _threadstartex+0x7f
Wed Feb 27 09:22:48 [repl writer worker 1] 

***aborting after fassert() failure

Wed Feb 27 09:23:44 [initandlisten] connection accepted from #17 (14 connections now open)
Wed Feb 27 09:23:44 [conn3] end connection (13 connections now open)
Wed Feb 27 09:23:44 [conn10] end connection (12 connections now open)
Wed Feb 27 09:23:44 [conn11] end connection (11 connections now open)
Wed Feb 27 09:23:44 [conn15] end connection (10 connections now open)
Wed Feb 27 09:23:44 [initandlisten] connection accepted from #18 (11 connections now open)
Wed Feb 27 09:23:44 [conn5] end connection (9 connections now open)
Wed Feb 27 09:23:44 [initandlisten] connection accepted from #19 (11 connections now open)
Wed Feb 27 09:23:44 [initandlisten] connection accepted from #20 (12 connections now open)
Wed Feb 27 09:23:44 [initandlisten] connection accepted from #21 (13 connections now open)
Wed Feb 27 09:23:44 [initandlisten] connection accepted from #22 (14 connections now open)
Wed Feb 27 09:23:44 [initandlisten] connection accepted from #23 (15 connections now open)
Wed Feb 27 09:23:44 [initandlisten] connection accepted from #24 (16 connections now open)
Wed Feb 27 09:23:44 [rsHealthPoll] couldn't connect to MASB-MGO-RPL02:27017: couldn't connect to server MASB-MGO-RPL02:27017

レプリケーション サーバー情報

    Operating System
        Microsoft Windows Server 2008 R2 Standard 64-bit SP1
        Intel Xeon E5 @ 2.60GHz
        Sandy Bridge-EP/EX 32nm Technology
        Intel Xeon E5 @ 2.60GHz
        Sandy Bridge-EP/EX 32nm Technology
        Intel Xeon E5 @ 2.60GHz
        Sandy Bridge-EP/EX 32nm Technology
        Intel Xeon E5 @ 2.60GHz
        Sandy Bridge-EP/EX 32nm Technology
        8.00 GB EDO (3-3-3-?)

1 に答える 1


ページファイルが小さすぎるために実際に発生したことが判明しました。8GB から 15GB に増やしても効果はありませんでしたが、さらに増やして 30GB にすると、MongoDB は正常にバックアップされました。

MongoDB が仮想メモリ サイズの 2 倍を受け入れないという事実は、私の目にはまだ非常に奇妙です。


于 2013-05-11T13:39:31.883 に答える