Pix でシェーダーをデバッグできません。以前はまったく問題なく使用していましたが、今日、頂点シェーダーまたはピクセル シェーダーのいずれかをデバッグしようとすると、このエラーが発生し続けます。
EID: 8 呼び出し: IDirect3D9::CreateDevice() HRESULT:D3DERR_NOTAVAILABLE
詳細については、[ヘルプ] をクリックしてください。
"Playback failure is the error state that occurs following a successful timing capture.
There are many reasons why a call that succeeded at capture time can fail during PIX playback. Here are some common causes:
If the run file was captured on a system with different capabilities or more video memory. Also, PIX Win will use up more video memory than the original title did when it allowed debugging.
It can also occur if your Direct3D control panel settings are different from when the run file was captured. Some Direct3D 9 calls only fail when the debug runtime is active.
In the case of Direct3D 9 playback, the mesh viewer and shader debugging potentially use different device settings than the original application that can cause playback failures. For example, the shader debugging has to use a reference device. In this situation, there is a possibility that the HW device supports settings that are not supported under the reference device like StretchRect() filters. "
DirecX 9 XNA アプリケーションで Pix を使用していることも付け加えておきます。デバッグ ビルドとリリース ビルドの両方をテストしてみました。D3D 解析を無効にして、フレーム キャプチャを使用しています。