どんな助けも信じられないほど高く評価されます。テーブルのグループから最後の活動日を選択しようとしています。表には、入力日、ノート日、支払日、および請求日が含まれます。これらすべての日付から最大値のみを返したいと思います。さらに、45 日以上活動がないレコードのみが必要です。私は現在、次の SQL を使用してすべての日付を取り込み、次に EXCEL の計算フィールドを使用して残りを把握しています。これをすべてSQLで行うことは可能ですか?


SELECT xrxTrnLgr.PatId, xrxTrnLgr.Balance, 
       Max(xrxPatNotes.NoteDate) AS 'Max of NoteDate', 
       Max(xrxTrnIcf.PostDate) AS 'Max of IcfPostDate', 
       Max(xrxPat.EntryDate) AS 'Entry Date', 
       Max(xrxPat.Coverage) AS 'Coverage', 
       Max(xrxTrnPay.PostDate) AS 'Last Payment'
  FROM  xrxTrnLgr 
  LEFT OUTER JOIN xrxPatNotes ON xrxTrnLgr.PatId = xrxPatNotes.PatId
  LEFT OUTER JOIN  xrxTrnIcf ON xrxTrnLgr.PatId = xrxTrnIcf.PatId
  LEFT OUTER JOIN xrxPat ON xrxTrnLgr.PatId = xrxPat.PatId
  LEFT OUTER JOIN xrxTrnPay ON xrxTrnLgr.PatId = xrxTrnPay.PatId
  GROUP BY xrxTrnLgr.PatId, xrxTrnLgr.Balance
  HAVING (xrxTrnLgr.Balance>$.01)

1 に答える 1



select t.patid, t.balance,
       max(case when which = 'note' then thedate end) as note,
       max(case when which = 'post' then thedate end) as post,
       max(case when which = 'entry' then thedate end) as entry,
       max(case when which = 'coverage' then thedate end) as coverage,
       max(case when which = 'lastPayment' then thedate end) as lastPayment
from xrxTrnLgr t left join
     ((select patid, notedate as thedate, 'note' as which
       from xrxPatNotes
      ) union all
      (select patid, postdate, 'post'
       from xrxtrnIcf
      ) union all
      (select patid, EntryDate, 'entry'
       from xrxPat
      ) union all
      (select paid, Coverage, 'coverage'
       from xrxPat.Coverage
      ) union all
      (select patid, PostDate, 'LastPayment'
       from xrxTrnPay.PostDate
    ) d
    on t.patid = d.patid
group by t.patid, t.balance
having min(now() - thedate) >= 45
于 2013-03-05T02:00:16.257 に答える