計算負荷の高いタスクがいくつかありますが、現在は 1 つのコアでしか実行されていないため、マシンの容量の 8 分の 1 です。各タスクの最後に、ログをファイルに書き込みます。

並列タスクを使用してこの IO を処理する最も適切な方法は何でしょうか?

私の書き込み自体を async にしますか?


let boom () = 
    let tasks = [1 .. 10]
                |> Seq.map (fun components ->  async {  //do compute intensive stuff
                                                        use writer = new StreamWriter("samefile")
                                                        writer.WriteLine "toto" }
    tasks |> Async.Parallel  |> Async.RunSynchronously


new Stream私はこれを行うことになり、エージェントへの同期呼び出しによって非同期をコードに置き換えました。

let pasBoom () = 
    let tasks = [2 .. 2 .. 17]
                |> Seq.map (fun components ->  async {  //do compute intensive stuff
                                                        //use writer = new StreamWriter("samefile")
                                                        use writerhanlde = repoFileHandle.PostAndReply(fun replyChannel -> GetFile(@"samefile", replyChannel))  
                                                        printfn "%A" (writerhanlde.getWriter().ToString())
                                                        writerhanlde.getWriter().WriteLine "toto" }
    tasks |> Async.Parallel  |> Async.RunSynchronously

とエージェント (バグがあるかもしれません、気をつけてください、私は自分で何か手っ取り早いものが必要です)

type IDisposableWriter = 
    inherit IDisposable
    abstract getWriter : unit -> StreamWriter

type StreamMessage = | GetFile of string * AsyncReplyChannel<IDisposableWriter>

let repoFileHandle =
    let writerCount = new Dictionary<string, int>()
    let writerRepo  = new Dictionary<string, StreamWriter> ()

    Agent.Start(fun inbox ->
        async { while true do
                    let! msg = inbox.Receive()
                    match msg with
                    | GetFile(filename, reply) -> 
                        if not (writerRepo.ContainsKey(filename)) then
                            writerRepo.[filename]  <- new StreamWriter(filename,true)
                            writerCount.[filename] <- 0
                        writerCount.[filename] <- writerCount.[filename] + 1

                        let obj = {new IDisposableWriter with 
                                    member this.getWriter () = writerRepo.[filename] 
                                    member IDisposable.Dispose() =  
                                        writerCount.[filename] <- writerCount.[filename] - 1                                                                        
                                        if writerCount.[filename] = 0 then
                                            writerRepo.Remove(filename) |> ignore
                        reply.Reply(obj) })


  type WriteToStreamMessage = | WriteToStream of string * string

  let fileWriterAgent =
        Agent.Start(fun inbox ->
            async { while true do
                        let! msg = inbox.Receive()
                        match msg with
                        | WriteToStream(filename, content) -> 
                            use writerhanlde = repoFileHandle.PostAndReply(fun replyChannel -> GetFile(filename, replyChannel))
                            writerhanlde.getWriter().WriteLine content

1 に答える 1



open Microsoft.FSharp.Collections

let work n = sprintf "running task %d" n
let msgs = PSeq.init 10 work |> PSeq.toList
use writer = System.IO.StreamWriter(@"C:\out.log")
msgs |> List.iter writer.WriteLine
于 2013-03-05T15:49:25.567 に答える