uint8_t point_lies_onSegment(const POINT2D *point, const POINT2D *linea, const POINT2D *lineb) {
double slope, intercept;
double px, py;
double left, top, right, bottom; // Bounding Box For Line Segment
double dx, dy;
px = point->x;
py = point->y;
dx = lineb->x - linea->x;
dy = lineb->y - linea->y;
slope = dy / dx;
// y = mx + c
// intercept c = y - mx
intercept = linea->y - slope * linea->x; // which is same as y2 - slope * x2
// For Bounding Box
if(linea->x < lineb->x) {
left = linea->x;
right = lineb->x;
} else {
left = lineb->x;
right = linea->x;
if(linea->y < lineb->y) {
top = linea->y;
bottom = lineb->y;
} else {
top = linea->y;
bottom = lineb->y;
//"Equation of the line: %.2f X %c %.2f\n", slope, ((intercept < 0) ? ' ' : '+'), intercept;
if( slope * px + intercept > (py - FP_TOLERANCE) &&
slope * px + intercept < (py + FP_TOLERANCE)) {
if( px >= left && px <= right &&
py >= top && py <= bottom ) {
return VG_TRUE;
return VG_FALSE;
return VG_FALSE;
線分 = (10, 10) - (10, 30) 点 = (10, 20)
これは FALSE を返します。