[DescriptionAttribute("Brokerage Details")]
public class Brokerage
private Decimal _Amt = Decimal.Zero; private string _currency = "";
public Brokerage() { }
public Brokerage(Decimal broAmount, string broCurrency) { Amount = broAmount; Currency = broCurrency; }
public Decimal Amount
get { return _Amt; }
set { _Amt = value; }
public string Currency
get { return _currency; }
set { _currency = value; }
//public override string ToString() { return _Amt.ToString() + " - " + _currency; }
public class BrokerageConverter : ExpandableObjectConverter
public override bool CanConvertTo(ITypeDescriptorContext context, System.Type destinationType)
if (destinationType == typeof(Brokerage))
return true;
return base.CanConvertTo(context, destinationType);
public override bool CanConvertFrom(ITypeDescriptorContext context, Type t)
if (t == typeof(string))
return true;
return base.CanConvertFrom(context, t);
// Overrides the ConvertFrom method of TypeConverter.
public override object ConvertFrom(ITypeDescriptorContext context,CultureInfo culture, object value)
if (value is string)
string[] v = ((string)value).Split(new char[] { '-' });
return new Brokerage(Decimal.Parse(v[0]), v[1]);
return base.ConvertFrom(context, culture, value);
// Overrides the ConvertTo method of TypeConverter.
public override object ConvertTo(ITypeDescriptorContext context, CultureInfo culture, object value, Type destinationType)
if (destinationType == typeof(System.String) && value is Brokerage)
Brokerage b = (Brokerage)value;
return b.Amount.ToString() + " - " + b.Currency.ToString();
return base.ConvertTo(context, culture, value, destinationType);
金額を変更すると、Buyer Bro が自動的に更新されません。それを達成する方法は?追加情報を提供する必要がある場合はお知らせください