コードを実行すると、adr のオブジェクトが null であることがわかりますが、それは本当ですが、select ではなく insert を除いて、同じメソッドの複製で機能すると機能しないのはなぜですか。
public City doesExist(string postnr, string navn, City city, SqlConnection con)
using (var command = new SqlCommand("select Id from [By] where Postnummer='" + postnr + "' and Navn='" + navn + "'", con))
command.Connection = con;
SqlDataReader reader = command.ExecuteReader();
if (reader.Read())
city.id = reader.GetInt32(0);
city.postnr = postnr;
city.navn = navn;
return city;
return null;
public City create(string postnr, string navn, City city, SqlConnection con)
using (var command = new SqlCommand("insert into [By] (Postnummer, Navn) values ('" + postnr + "', '" + navn + "'); select @@identity as 'identity';", con))
object ID = command.ExecuteScalar();
city.id = Convert.ToInt32(ID);
city.postnr = postnr;
city.navn = navn;
return city;
City city = new City();
city = city.doesExist(zip, by, city, connection); // this works fine
if (city == null)
// I know that city is null
// tried inserting City city = new City(); same error
city = city.create(zip, by, city, connection); // this is where the null error occours