この ASP.NET MVC3 コードに mailto を追加する正しい構文は何ですか? これは機能せず、二重引用符を使用しても機能しません。

ModelState.AddModelError("", "We could not locate the email address you entered.  Please check the email address.  If you believe it is correct, please contact us by sending an email to <a href='mailto:support@abc.com'>Support</a> from the email address you are attempting to use.");

2 に答える 2



この NamesPace を追加します。Using System.Text

    StringBuilder s=new StringBuilder ();
    s.Append(We could not locate the email address you entered.  Please check the email address.  If you believe it is correct, please contact us by sending an email to ");
    s.Append("<a href='mailto:support@abc.com'>Support</a>");
    s.Append("from the email address you are attempting to use.");
    ModelState.AddModelError("", s.ToString());
于 2013-03-06T14:37:06.583 に答える


@Html.Raw(Html.ValidationSummary().ToString().Replace("[mailto]", "<a href='mailto:support@abc.com'>Support</a>"))


ModelState.AddModelError("", "We could not locate the email address you entered.  Please
check the email address.  If you believe it is correct, please contact us by sending an 
email to [mailto] from the email address you are attempting to use.");

サーバー/コントローラーからではなく、リンクがビューに追加され、[mailto]実際のリンクに置き換えHtml.Rawられ、ブラウザーで html をレンダリングするように呼び出されます。

于 2013-03-06T14:26:35.917 に答える