I am creating a webrequest both from the UI thread and a BackgroundWorker
IAsyncResult result = request.BeginGetResponse (o => {
callCallback (o);
}, state);
private void callCallback (IAsyncResult o)
RequestStateGen state = (RequestStateGen)o.AsyncState;
state.context.Post (_ => {
onGetCustomListObject (o);
}, null);
When I call this code from the UI thread it works fine. When called from the BackgroundWorker
thread it freezes on BeginGetResponse.
The UI is still responsive. Any thoughts?
Edit: I figured out that I actually not need the UI context when calling from my background thread. And I think it would've been really hard injecting a ui context that always is valid. Here is my code now that works:
private void callCallback (IAsyncResult o)
RequestStateGen state = (RequestStateGen)o.AsyncState;
if (!state.OnBgThread)
state.context.Post (_ => {
onGetCustomListObject (o);
}, null);
onGetCustomListObject (o);