The code below is the tabView, followed by the structure of the loaded page. For the commandButton, I have tried actionListener, different combinations of render and update referencing the target inputtextarea (req) explicitly, etc. The action works fine when the form runs in its own page (not within a tab).
In the "preRenderView" event, I initialize data structures, which are populated when the form displays. Problem is when I click on the Preview button. Normally the action fires, the handling method assembles the data for display in the preview inputextarea (req), and it's displayed.
Strangely, when I click the button, the action is NOT called, although there is activity calling my other tabs' loadReqEvents, and in the outer page hosting the tabView. I suspect this is a request-response nuance of JSF that I'm unaware of. Thanks for help.
<p:tabView id="tbv" dynamic= "true" activeIndex="#{sessionController.activeTab}" styleClass="tabview-style">
<p:tab id="rtmTab" styleClass="tab-style" title="RTM" closable="false" titletip="Requirements Traceability Matrix">
<ui:include src="url(./../rtm.xhtml"/>
<p:tab id="composeTab" styleClass="tab-style" title="#{sessionController.composeTabTitle}" rendered="#{sessionController.crudTabRendered}" closable="false" titletip="Composition Form">
<ui:include src="url(./..#{sessionController.composeUrl}.xhtml"/>
<p:tab id="objTab" styleClass="tab-style" title="Object / Data Model" closable="false" titletip="Object and Data Model View">
<ui:include src="url(./../objView.xhtml"/>
<p:layoutUnit id="formLayout" position="center" gutter="0" styleClass="form-layout">
<f:event listener="#{attrDefController.loadReqEvent}" type="preRenderView"></f:event>
<p:panel style="background-color:rgb(222,231,254);width:925px;height:98%;margin-top:-4px;margin-left:-8px">
<h:panelGrid columns="7" style="margin-right:-8px" cellpadding="2">
<h:commandButton id="preview" value="Preview" action="#{attrDefController.previewReqAction}" style="width:100px; margin-top:2px">
<f:ajax execute="@form" render="req"/>