私は C++ にやってくる Java ユーザーですが、このステートメントの何が問題なのかを理解するのに苦労しています。私のプログラムは、push_back
class Process {
int nice;
int arrivalTime;
int cpuBursts;
list<int> burstList;
Process() {
burstList.push_back(10); // Segfaults here...
using namespace std;
int calcTimeslice(int priority);
int calcOriginalPrio(int nice);
int readFile(int ,char **);
int calcPrioBonus(int,int);
void tokenizeAndAdd(char *);
class Bursts {
int isCPUBurst;
int time;
Bursts() {}
// Constructor to make it easier to add to list
Bursts(int tempIsCPU, int tempTime) {
isCPUBurst = tempIsCPU;
time = tempTime;
class Process {
int nice;
int arrivalTime;
int cpuBursts;
list<int> burstList;
Process() {
int main(int arg, char **argv) {
// This is if the file was not correctly read into the program
// or it doesnt exist ...
if(readFile(arg,argv)==-1) {
cout << "File could not be read. \n";
return -1;
//cout << "Original Calc Whatever: " << calcOriginal(19) << '\n';
return 0;
* Calculates the timeslice based on the priority
int calcTimeslice(int priority) {
double finalCalc;
// This is the given function in the prompt
finalCalc = ( (1 - (priority / 140)) * 290 + (.5) ) + 10;
// Cast to int, this will be a truncate
return ((int)finalCalc);
int readFile(int arg, char **argv) {
char *temp,*pointer;
int endOfFile = 1;
// While its not the end of the file
while(endOfFile) {
// Read in the input from stdin
// Check to see if this line had a * in it
if(*temp =='*')
endOfFile = 0;
return 0;
void tokenizeAndAdd(char *string) {
char *token = strtok(string," \n");
int i = 0;
Process p;
while(token != NULL) {
cout << token << endl;
if(i>2) { // If it is odd (CPU burst)
if(i%2 == 1) {
int tempInt = atoi(token);
else { // If it is even (IO burst)
int tempInt = atoi(token);
else if(i==0)
p.nice = atoi(token);
else if(i==1)
p.arrivalTime = atoi(token);
else if(i==2)
p.cpuBursts = atoi(token);
token = strtok(NULL," \n");
//cout << p.nice << " " << p.arrivalTime << " " << p.cpuBursts << "\n";
//i = 0;
//cout << p.burstList.size() << "\n";
// cout <<
* Calculates and returns the original priority based on the nice number
* provided in the file.
int calcOriginalPrio(int nice) {
double finalCalc;
// This is the given function from the prompt
finalCalc = (( nice + 20 ) / 39 ) * 30 + 105.5;
// Cast to int, this is a truncate in C++
return ((int)finalCalc);
* Calculates the bonus time given to a process
int calcPrioBonus(int totalCPU, int totalIO) {
double finalCalc;
// How to calculate bonus off of the prompt
if(totalCPU < totalIO)
finalCalc = ( (1 - (totalCPU / (double)totalIO)) * (-5)) - .5;
finalCalc = ( (1 - (totalIO / (double)totalCPU)) * 5) + .5;
// Cast to int
return ((int)finalCalc);