
select distinct combined.some_id from (
  SELECT DISTINCT l.some_id FROM tableA l where
        l.some_code  ='ABC' and l.code_two IN('S','H')
        union all  
        SELECT DISTINCT e.some_id FROM tableA_Replica e where
        e.some_code  ='ABC' and e.code_two IN('S','H') and e.some_id NOT IN ( SELECT DISTINCT l.some_id FROM tableA l where
        l.some_code  ='ABC' and l.code_two IN('S','H'))
    ) combined,tableA_Replica_join_table_ONE x where 
        combined.some_id = x.some_id(+)
        AND (x.status   IN('ACTIVE','INACTIVE'))


select distinct combined.some_id from (
  SELECT DISTINCT l.some_id FROM tableA l where
        l.some_code  ='ABC' and l.code_two IN('S','H')
        union all  
        SELECT DISTINCT e.some_id FROM tableA_Replica e where
        e.some_code  ='ABC' and e.code_two IN('S','H') and e.some_id NOT IN ( SELECT DISTINCT l.some_id FROM tableA l where
        l.some_code  ='ABC' and l.code_two IN('S','H'))
    ) combined,tableA_Replica_join_table_TWO x where 
        combined.some_id = x.some_id(+)
        AND (x.status   IN('ACTIVE','INACTIVE')) 


SELECT DISTINCT l.some_id FROM tableA l where
        l.some_code  ='ABC' and l.code_two IN('S','H')
        union all  
        SELECT DISTINCT e.some_id FROM tableA_Replica e where
        e.some_code  ='ABC' and e.code_two IN('S','H') and e.some_id NOT IN ( SELECT DISTINCT l.some_id FROM tableA l where
        l.some_code  ='ABC' and l.code_two IN('S','H'))



2 に答える 2



select distinct combined.some_id from (
        SELECT distinct l.some_id FROM tableA
        SELECT distinct e.some_id FROM tableA_Replica
    ) combined
    inner join (
        select x.status, x.some_id from tableA_Replica_join_table_ONE x 
        select y.status, y.some_id from tableA_Replica_join_table_TWO y 
    ) join_table
    on combined.some_id = join_table.some_id(+) and
       join_table.status IN('ACTIVE','INACTIVE') and
       combined.some_code  ='ABC' and l.code_two IN('S','H')



SELECT DISTINCT l.some_id FROM tableA l where
        l.some_code  ='ABC' and l.code_two IN('S','H')
        union all  
        SELECT DISTINCT e.some_id FROM tableA_Replica e where
        e.some_code  ='ABC' and e.code_two IN('S','H') and e.some_id NOT IN ( SELECT DISTINCT l.some_id FROM tableA l where
        l.some_code  ='ABC' and l.code_two IN('S','H'))

NOT IN2 番目のクエリではその句は必要ありません。--it のunion代わりに使用するだけで、重複が自動的に削除されます。union all

考慮すべきもう 1 つの点はdistinct、多数の場所で使用しているということです。それらすべてが本当に必要ですか?一部の人々は、distinct重複を防ぐ方法としてどこでも使用しているようです。ただし、これは非効率的であり、何を行っているかを正確に把握していないと、微妙なエラーが発生する可能性があります。


于 2013-03-08T09:53:40.257 に答える

共通テーブル式 (CTE、「WITH ステートメント」とも呼ばれます) を使用できます。

WITH combined AS (
    SELECT DISTINCT l.some_id FROM tableA l where
        l.some_code  ='ABC' and l.code_two IN('S','H')
        union all  
        SELECT DISTINCT e.some_id FROM tableA_Replica e where
        e.some_code  ='ABC' and e.code_two IN('S','H') and e.some_id NOT IN ( SELECT DISTINCT l.some_id FROM tableA l where
        l.some_code  ='ABC' and l.code_two IN('S','H'))
SELECT distinct combined.some_id
FROM combined, tableA_Replica_join_table_ONE x
WHERE combined.some_id = x.some_id(+)
      AND (x.status   IN('ACTIVE','INACTIVE'))


SELECT distinct combined.some_id
FROM combined, tableA_Replica_join_table_TWO x
WHERE combined.some_id = x.some_id(+)
      AND (x.status   IN('ACTIVE','INACTIVE')) 
于 2013-03-08T09:52:57.727 に答える