I have to pretty simple pieces of code:

    private void frmMain_Load(object sender, EventArgs e)
        string[] EmployeeNames = Settings.Default.Employee_Names.Split(new char[] {';'}, StringSplitOptions.RemoveEmptyEntries);



    private void frmMain_FormClosing(object sender, FormClosingEventArgs e)
        string Employee_Names = string.Empty;
        foreach (string Name in employee_NameComboBox.Items)
            Employee_Names += Name + ";";
        if (Employee_Names.Length > 1)
            Settings.Default.Employee_Names = Employee_Names.Substring(0, Employee_Names.Length - 1);


So, to test my code I added the values "Foo;Bar" To my Settings.Settings in the VS Designer but when I run the Code Nothing comes up. So I add this code:

    private void AddName()
        if (!employee_NameComboBox.Items.Contains(employee_NameComboBox.Text))

And then I call it on the Leave event of employee_NameComboBox:

    private void employee_NameComboBox_Leave(object sender, EventArgs e)

To test this I enter the employee_NameComboBox and type in "Employee1" and leave the CB then enter again and type in "Employee2" and Leave now when I click on the drop down I have these strings in the Items Collection. Great!

But when I close the application and then goto my settings.settings under properties in the Solution Explorer the values "Foo;Bar" are still there.

Continue to start Debugging again and when I click the drop down, the values are "Employee1" and "Employee2". In turn I search through the Solutions Directory in Windows Explorer to try and find the new settings file and I simply CAN NOT find ANY files with "Employee1" or "Employee2" all I see in ANY files is "Foo;Bar".

How can this be? I am saving to somewhere but where!

Also Why doesn't the debugger use the values in the settings.settings or App.Config files?!?!?!

Note: I also tried doing a Find from Visual Studios and Searched Entire Solution for the value Employee1 to no avail.

My end result is that I would like to send out an application with editable combobox that can be saved and edited without a Re-compile.


2 に答える 2



  C:\Documents and Settings\<username>\Local Settings\Application Data


于 2013-03-08T17:51:32.150 に答える


于 2013-03-08T17:49:09.233 に答える