Say I need to send an email to myself when there is new comment.
and I don't want to block presenting HTML to browser.
and Threading seems don't work here.
class comment:
def POST(self):
sender = Thread(target=_sendmail,args=('New Comment',msg))
referer = web.ctx.get('HTTP_REFERER', '')
raise web.SeeOther(referer)
the problem when using threading is that once POST function is finished.. the sender within it would be freezed..usually sender didn't finish its job. And I certainly don't want to use sender.join() to wait for sender to end.
I think uwsgi don't have anything to do with this..
but I saw a explanation suggested that uwsgi suspended the app.when there's no request.or request is done. provide an approach called @background..
But it's seems have certain doesn't clean up threaddb dictionary.
and it would add an argument to the url like which is ugly.
Is there an better solution? sending an email while serve url request as usual.