すでに何かとして実装されている既存の関数をだます以外に、「コンテキスト」を別のパラメーターとして明示的に渡すのではなく、 (またはthis
function tryIncrement(inc, context) {
context = context || this; // just so we can reuse same fn for the example
if( typeof context.val!= typeof 1|| typeof inc != typeof 1 ) return false;
context.val += inc;
return true;
var a = {name: 'A', val: 5}, b = {name: 'B', val: 20};
// reassign internal context
for(var i = 0, n = [1,3,"not a num",5]; i < n.length; i++) {
if( tryIncrement.call(a, n[i]) ) console.log('incremented', i, n[i], a);
else console.log('failed to increment', i, n[i], a);
// provide explicit context;
// could just as easily declared function so context was first param
// so it looked the same as previous implementation
for(var i = 0, n = [1,3,"not a num",5]; i < n.length; i++) {
if( tryIncrement(n[i], b) ) console.log('incremented', i, n[i], b);
else console.log('failed to increment', i, n[i], b);