と呼ばれる新しいプロジェクトをセットアップしましたInno JSON Config
"Key_1": "String 1",
"Key_2": "1",
"Key_3": "True"
"Key_1": "String 2",
"Key_2": "2",
"Key_3": "False"
使用法は非常に簡単です(ハンドルサポートも追加する場合でも)。Unicode Inno Setup(サポートが必要なため最新バージョンの1つInt64
Source: "JSONConfig.dll"; Flags: dontcopy
function JSONQueryString(FileName, Section, Key, Default: WideString;
var Value: WideString; var ValueLength: Integer): Boolean;
external 'JSONQueryString@files:jsonconfig.dll stdcall';
function JSONQueryBoolean(FileName, Section, Key: WideString;
Default: Boolean; var Value: Boolean): Boolean;
external 'JSONQueryBoolean@files:jsonconfig.dll stdcall';
function JSONQueryInteger(FileName, Section, Key: WideString;
Default: Int64; var Value: Int64): Boolean;
external 'JSONQueryInteger@files:jsonconfig.dll stdcall';
function JSONWriteString(FileName, Section, Key,
Value: WideString): Boolean;
external 'JSONWriteString@files:jsonconfig.dll stdcall';
function JSONWriteBoolean(FileName, Section, Key: WideString;
Value: Boolean): Boolean;
external 'JSONWriteBoolean@files:jsonconfig.dll stdcall';
function JSONWriteInteger(FileName, Section, Key: WideString;
Value: Int64): Boolean;
external 'JSONWriteInteger@files:jsonconfig.dll stdcall';
function BoolToStr(Value: Boolean): string;
Result := 'True';
if not Value then
Result := 'False';
procedure InitializeWizard;
FileName: WideString;
IntValue: Int64;
StrValue: WideString;
StrLength: Integer;
BoolValue: Boolean;
{ set the source JSON config file path }
FileName := 'c:\Example.json';
{ allocate string buffer to enough length }
SetLength(StrValue, 16);
{ set the buffer length value }
StrLength := Length(StrValue);
{ query string value }
if JSONQueryString(FileName, 'Section_1', 'Key_1', 'Default', StrValue,
MsgBox('Section_1:Key_1=' + StrValue, mbInformation, MB_OK);
{ query integer value }
if JSONQueryInteger(FileName, 'Section_1', 'Key_2', 0, IntValue) then
MsgBox('Section_1:Key_2=' + IntToStr(IntValue), mbInformation, MB_OK);
{ query boolean value }
if JSONQueryBoolean(FileName, 'Section_1', 'Key_3', True, BoolValue) then
MsgBox('Section_1:Key_3=' + BoolToStr(BoolValue), mbInformation, MB_OK);
{ write string }
if not JSONWriteString(FileName, 'Section_1', 'Key_1', 'New value!') then
MsgBox('JSONWriteString Section_1:Key_1 failed!', mbError, MB_OK);
{ write integer }
if not JSONWriteInteger(FileName, 'Section_1', 'Key_2', 123) then
MsgBox('JSONWriteInteger Section_1:Key_2 failed!', mbError, MB_OK);
{ write boolean }
if not JSONWriteBoolean(FileName, 'Section_1', 'Key_3', False) then
MsgBox('JSONWriteBoolean Section_1:Key_3 failed!', mbError, MB_OK);