Hey I'm relatively new to bootstrap and am trying to import bootstraps responsive css into my style.less file.
@import "css/bootstrap-responsive.css";
I'm then applying the following
#menu, #sub-menu {
color: @bodydarker1;
height: 100%;
min-height: 100%;
padding: 1%;
And .span2;
appears in bootstrap-responsive.css but when i check the pages its giving me the message..
.span2 is undefined
in style.less on line 26, column 2:
Now if I applied the colour red to the body in bootstrap-responsive.css it would render that fine but when I call in the class .span2
its saying that its undefined. Why would that be?
If I add .span2
as a class in the html that will work, but applying to an id when imported on the less document won't.