Back to vb6 and msflexgrid, there is a weakness in pasting text to this control. If the user wanted for example to paste a 2*3 array in msflexgrid he should select 2 rows and 3 columns to paste the data, otherwise only one cell will fill in the msflexgrid (insted of 6 cells). i found if i colud split clipboard and count its rows and columns this problem should solve (select msflexgrid cells based on the array size) . I created the "editpaste"SUB:

Private Sub EditPaste()
Dim ARRAYLINES As Variant ' array with the lines
Dim ARRAYCELLS As Variant ' array with the cells of 1 line to count the cols needed
Dim ARRAYLINESidx As Integer

   '§ put clipboard in a  textbox named "cliper"
   With cliper
      .Text = Clipboard.GetText
      If .Text = "" Then
         Exit Sub
         ARRAYLINES = Split(.Text, Chr(13)) 'i also used the Chr(10) vbnewline  andvbCRLF to count the lines
      End If
   End With
   '§ put textbox in grid
   If ARRAYLINES(0) = "" Then

      Exit Sub
      ARRAYCELLS = Split(ARRAYLINES(0), vbTab) 'to count the columns
  msgbox UBound(ARRAYLINES) & UBound(ARRAYCELLS)
   End If
   '§ clear array

End Sub

But my problem is that i have two types of text arrays (text matrixs). the array that came from msflixgrid to clipboard and the array that came from excell to clipboard and i can not make differencess between them in that sub. bellow is a screenshot from them into MSword:

enter image description here

The arrows n that picture are the TAb Characters i have no problem in counting them and the results are equal for all text arrays. but the paragraph signs are tricky and i knew in the second array they are "vbnewline" but in first array my code can not find them and suppose like i have only one line. Do you know a better way to get equal result in counting these columns and rows?


1 に答える 1


次のコードを使用して、クリップボード データを表示しました。

'1 form with
'  1 msflexgrid control
'  1 textbox control
'  2 command buttons

Option Explicit

Private Sub Command1_Click()
  Dim strText As String
  strText = Clipboard.GetText
  ShowAscii strText
End Sub

Private Sub Command2_Click()
  Clipboard.SetText MSFlexGrid1.Clip
End Sub

Private Sub Form_Load()
  Dim intRow As Integer, intCol As Integer
  With MSFlexGrid1
    For intRow = 0 To .Rows - 1
      For intCol = 0 To .Cols - 1
        .TextMatrix(intRow, intCol) = CStr(100 * intRow + intCol)
      Next intCol
    Next intRow
  End With 'MSFlexGrid1
End Sub

Private Sub ShowAscii(strText As String)
  Dim intChar As Integer
  Dim strShow As String
  strShow = ""
  For intChar = 1 To Len(strText)
    strShow = strShow & Right$("00" & Hex$(Asc(Mid$(strText, intChar, 1))), 2) & " "
  Next intChar
  Text1.Text = strShow
End Sub

200、201、300、301 を含むセルを選択し、command2 をクリックしてから command1 をクリックすると、テキスト ボックスに次のように表示されます。

32 30 30 09 32 30 31 0D 33 30 30 09 33 30 31 


32 30 30 09 32 30 31 0D 0A 33 30 30 09 33 30 31 0D 0A 

これら 2 つの違いは、Excel では vbCrLF を使用して行を区切ったのに対し、MSFlexGrid では vbCr のみを使用したことです。

処理する前にクリップボード データからすべての vbLF を削除しても問題ないと思います。

strText = Replace(strText, vbLf, "")

その後、両方の入力メソッドは行区切りとして vbCR のみを使用します

于 2013-03-12T10:01:08.133 に答える