。access を連鎖させることで、任意の構造の深さにアクセスできますuserAccountInfo.personas[1].userClubList[1].clubAbbr
。structKeyExists(userAccountInfo, "personas")
通常、 orを使用して、これらすべての構造体メンバー、特に配列の存在を確認する必要がありますisDefined("userAccountInfo.personas")
(ただし、isDefined は、スコープの処理が緩いためお勧めしません)。structKeyExists(userAccountInfo.personas[1], "userClubList")
各チェックで次のメンバーを渡すことにより、これらも連鎖structKeyExists(userAccountInfo.personas[1].userClubList[1], "clubAbbr")
<!--- test data (the one in your screenshot) --->
<cfset userAccountInfo = {}>
<cfset userAccountInfo.personas = []>
<cfset userAccountInfo.personas[1] = {}>
<cfset userAccountInfo.personas[1].personaId = "850074729">
<cfset userAccountInfo.personas[1].personaName = "IcedTube3">
<cfset userAccountInfo.personas[1].userClubList = []>
<cfset userAccountInfo.personas[1].userClubList[1] = {}>
<cfset userAccountInfo.personas[1].userClubList[1].clubAbbr = "Bel">
<cfset userAccountInfo.personas[1].userClubList[1].clubName = "Bell Ville FC">
<cfset userAccountInfo.personas[1].userClubList[1].established = "1363092161">
<cfset userAccountInfo.personas[1].userClubList[1].lastAccessTime = "1363092161">
<cfset userAccountInfo.personas[1].userClubList[1].platform = "360">
<cfset userAccountInfo.personas[1].userClubList[1].year = "2013">
<!--- let's make sure personas exists and is an array --->
<cfif structKeyExists(userAccountInfo, "personas") and isArray(userAccountInfo.personas)>
<cfset myPersonas = userAccountInfo.personas> <!--- myPersonas will be an array --->
<cfloop array="#myPersonas#" index="persona"> <!--- persona is supposed to be a struct --->
<!--- let's make sure each item in the array is really a struct --->
<cfif isStruct(persona)>
<cfoutput>Start reading persona.<br />====================<br /><br /></cfoutput>
<!--- read personaId --->
<cfif structKeyExists(persona, "personaId")>
<cfoutput>personaId: #persona.personaId#<br /></cfoutput>
<cfoutput>personaId: [none]<br /></cfoutput>
<!--- read personaName --->
<cfif structKeyExists(persona, "personaName")>
<cfoutput>personaName: #persona.personaName#<br /></cfoutput>
<cfoutput>personaName: [none]<br /></cfoutput>
<!--- read userClubList (let's make sure userClubList exists in persona and is an array) --->
<cfif structKeyExists(persona, "userClubList") and isArray(persona.userClubList) and not arrayIsEmpty(persona.userClubList)>
<cfset myUserClubList = persona.userClubList>
<cfloop array="#myUserClubList#" index="club"> <!--- club is supposed to be a struct --->
<!--- let's make sure each item in the array is really a struct --->
<cfif isStruct(club)>
<cfoutput><br />Start reading club.<br />--------------------<br /><br /></cfoutput>
<!--- read clubAbbr --->
<cfif structKeyExists(club, "clubAbbr")>
<cfoutput>clubAbbr: #club.clubAbbr#<br /></cfoutput>
<cfoutput>clubAbbr: [none]<br /></cfoutput>
<!--- and so on... --->
<cfoutput><br />--------------------<br />Done reading club.<br /><br /></cfoutput>
<cfoutput>userClubList: [none]<br /></cfoutput>
<cfoutput><br />====================<br />Done reading persona.<br /><br /></cfoutput>
Start reading persona.
personaId: 850074729
personaName: IcedTube3
Start reading club.
clubAbbr: Bel
Done reading club.
Done reading persona.
実際、これはすべて、最終的な目標が何であるかによって異なります。上記の構造体に表示されているデータ モデルを見ると、複数の userClubList に属する複数のペルソナを持つことができる 1 つのユーザー アカウントに対して 1 つのレコードを作成しています。以下のコードは、データを取り込む方法を示しています。
注: この形式は CF8+ で機能します。
userAccountInfo = {
userAccountInfo = {
personas = [
personaID = "850074729",
personaName = "IcedTube3",
userClubList = [
clubAbbr = "Bel",
clubName = "Bel Ville FC",
established = "1361354191",
lastAccessTime = "1363092161",
platform = "360",
year = "2013"
clubAbbr = "New",
clubName = "New Club",
established = "1362139200",
lastAccessTime = "1363092161",
platform = "720",
year = "2012"
clubAbbr = "Old",
clubName = "Old Club",
established = "1261255543",
lastAccessTime = "1267444800",
platform = "180",
year = "2005"
personaID = "499137600",
personaName = "Marty",
userClubList = [
clubAbbr = "Biff",
clubName = "BiffCo Casino",
established = "307588800",
lastAccessTime = "1445390400",
platform = "1955a",
year = "1985"
} ;
<cfdump var="#userAccountInfo#" label="UserAccountInfo" />