So I just installed Python3.3, Numpy, MySQL Connector, and Matplotlib. I have a table with a lot of data where I wrote a query that outputs it to something similar to this:

Timestamp(unix)  Data(float)
1353000347       90.7000
1353007787       90.7000
1353015227       90.7000
1353000347       89.6899
1353007787       90.7000
1353015227       90.7000

So through a lot of trial and error and piecing together tutorials and other questions on here I ended up with this python script:

import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
import numpy as np
import mysql.connector

#Open DB Connection
cnx = mysql.connector.connect(host='localhost',database='db',
#Get Buffered Cursor
curA = cnx.cursor(buffered=True)

SELECT UNIX_TIMESTAMP(`timestamp`),`data1`
   FROM `data`

rows = np.array(curA.fetchall())

x = rows[:,0]
y = rows[:,1]

I have a lot of data points that will overlap (same coordinates) so I wanted the alpha real low. I got what I wanted here:

enter image description here

Anyways, what I wanted was to simply format the tick markers to dates (e.g. Month, Year). I searched a lot on this problem and found a similar question here, but I wasn't able to adapt it or make sense of how I could apply it to my script. Seems overly complicated for such a simple thing?


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